2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 13, 2011 12:48 AM by noufalcm

    Unable to load load richfaces extended datatable.



      I am unable to load richfaces extended datatable. It simply shows the loading icon.


      <rich:extendedDataTable height="250px"  value="#{ProgramAction.sectionWiseUserList}" rowClasses="row1,row2" var="sect" id="summaryTable3" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto; visibility: #{ProgramAction.isAuthorTableVisible}">
                                                                                      <rich:column width="10%" id="summarySectionColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="summarySectionFacet">
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.sectionName}" id="summarySection" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="10%" id="summaryAuthorColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="summaryAuthorFacet" >
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.firstName}" id="summaryAuthorName" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="10%" id="summaryNoOfItemsForAuthorColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="summaryNoOfItemsForAuthorFacet" >
                                                                                              No. of Items
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.noOfItemsForAuthor}" id="summaryNoOfItemsForAuthor" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="15%" id="summaryCommentColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="summaryCommentFacet">
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.comment}" id="summaryComment" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="15%" id="skillColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="skillFacet">
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.skills}" id="summarySectionSkill" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="15%" id="levelColumn">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="levelFacet">
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.levels}" id="summarySectionComment" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="17%" id="standardColumn" label="Comment">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="standardFacet">
                                                                                          <h:outputText value="#{sect.standards}" id="summarySectionStandard" styleClass="input"/>
                                                                                      <rich:column width="8%" id="summaryDeleteColumn" label="Delete">
                                                                                          <f:facet name="header" id="summaryDeleteFacet">
                                                                                          <h:commandLink id="summaryDeleteLink3" action="#{ProgramAction.removeAssignedAuthor}" actionListener="#{ProgramAction.action}">
                                                                                              <h:graphicImage id="summaryGraphicImage3" value="Images/delete.gif" style="border:0"/>
                                                                                              <f:attribute id="summarSectionAuthor3" value="#{sect}" name="sectionAuthor"/>

      This is the situation for all the table

        • 1. Re: Unable to load load richfaces extended datatable.

          Hi Mahin,

          are you sure ProgramAction.getSectionWiseUserList() can return correct data?


          Even that you should use correct case for managed beans - in format: programAction.sectionWiseUserList


          Another thing I would like to ask is expression in your style attribute: ProgramAction.isAuthorTableVisible: there should be user correct case as well, but I'm not sure if I understand isAuthorTableVisible: if this is property (boolean autorTableVisible) access or action handler call.


          Could you please send your ProgramAction.java bean as well?


          I tied to simulate your issue, but using your createProgram.xhtml page (with appropriate changes - such as use my own bean with own list of objects, using correct case and without attribute visible in style (probably user rendered attribute of extendedDataTable would be better for you) I got it working correctly.




          • 2. Re: Unable to load load richfaces extended datatable.

            Hi Jan,

            Thank you for the response.

            The datatable values are not retrieved from the database , but from the session.

            So if i click twice on display button on my xhtml, the data table is loaded with values. Else it just shows the loading image.

            Also this table is inside a modal panel


            <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

            <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

            <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"








                    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="Images/favicon.ico" />

                    <link href="Styles/theme_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

                    <script src="JavaScript/NumberformatInsertion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

                    <script src="JavaScript/numericCheck.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


                        .userpanel .rich-panel-body{padding:0px;}

                        .tableStyle td{

                            vertical-align: middle;







                        <ui:include src="header.xhtml"/>

                        <ui:include src="menu.xhtml"/>



                     <h:form id="userToSectionForm">

                                                        <rich:panel style="height: 650px;overflow: auto;">

                                                            <f:facet name="header">

                                                                <h:outputText value="#{ProgramAction.labelProgramName} Setup - Session and Items"/>


                                                            <rich:spacer height="5px"/>


                                                            <table width="100%">


                                                                    <td width="25%">


                                                                    <td width="25%" align="left">

                                                                        <h:commandButton value="Back"  title="Back" action="#{ProgramAction.sectionPrev()}" style="text-align: left" id="sectionPrev"/>


                                                                    <td width="25%" align="right">

                                                                        <h:commandButton value="Next"  title="Next" action="#{ProgramAction.sectionNext()}" style="text-align: left" id="sectionNext"/>


                                                                    <td width="25%"></td>




                                                                <rich:panel id="sessionWarningMessage" rendered="#{ProgramAction.enableMsgPanel}" styleClass="#{ProgramAction.msgPanelStyle}">

                                                                    <h:outputLabel value="#{ProgramAction.warningMsg}" styleClass="#{ProgramAction.msgLabelStyle}"/>


                                                                <table  width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tableStyle">

                                                                    <rich:spacer height="20px"/>


                                                                        <td colspan="7" align="center">




                                                                        <td width="5%" align="right">

                                                                            <h:outputText value="#{ProgramAction.labelSectionName}" styleClass="input"/>

                                                                            <span class="required">*</span>


                                                                        <td width="12%" align="left">

                                                                            <h:inputText value="#{ProgramAction.sectionName}" id="totsect" styleClass="input" />


                                                                        <td width="10%" align="right">

                                                                            <h:outputText value="Direction" styleClass="input"/>

                                                                            <span class="required">*</span>


                                                                        <td width="33%" align="left">

                                                                            <h:inputTextarea value="#{ProgramAction.direction}" id="direction" styleClass="formBox" style="width:100%;" />


                                                                        <td width="13%" align="right">

                                                                            <h:outputText value="Number of Items" styleClass="input" />

                                                                            <span class="required">*</span>


                                                                        <td width="10%" align="left" colspan="2">

                                                                            <h:inputText value="#{ProgramAction.totalItems}" id="totalItems" onkeypress="return checkNumaric(event,'userToSectionForm:totalItems')"  styleClass="input" style="width: 40px;" />


                                                                        <td width="5%" align="left">

                                                                            <h:commandButton action="#{ProgramAction.addSectionToProgram()}" id="addSec" value="Add"/>






                                                                <table width="100%" cellspacing="10" border="0" align="center">



                                                                            <rich:extendedDataTable width="100%" height="300px" rowClasses="row1, row2" value="#{ProgramAction.sectionList}" var="sect" id="simpletable" style="overflow: auto;">

                                                                                <rich:column width="22%" id="column7">

                                                                                    <f:facet name="header" id="f1" >



                                                                                    <h:outputText value="#{sect.sectionName}" id="sect" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                                <rich:column width="18%" id="column9" label="No. of Items">

                                                                                    <f:facet name="header" id="f2">

                                                                                        No. of Items


                                                                                    <h:outputText value="#{sect.noOfItems}" id="item1" styleClass="input" />


                                                                                <rich:column width="30%" id="column10" label="direction">

                                                                                    <f:facet name="header" id="f3">



                                                                                    <h:outputText value="#{sect.direction}" id="d1" styleClass="input" />


                                                                                <rich:column width="17%" id="column11" label="assign">

                                                                                    <f:facet name="header" id="f4">

                                                                                        Assign Users


                                                                                    <a4j:commandButton value="Assign/View" action="#{ProgramAction.assignSectionUser}" actionListener="#{ProgramAction.deleteAction}" id="a1" reRender="userToSectionModalPanel">

                                                                                        <f:attribute id="section" value="#{sect}" name="section"/>



                                                                                <rich:column width="15%" id="c20" label="Delete">

                                                                                    <f:facet name="header" id="f20">



                                                                                    <a4j:commandLink id="dellink" action="#{ProgramAction.removeSection}" actionListener="#{ProgramAction.deleteAction}" reRender="simpletable">

                                                                                        <h:graphicImage id="gj9" value="Images/delete.gif" style="border:0" />

                                                                                        <f:attribute id="spal9" value="#{sect}" name="section" />













                                                    <rich:modalPanel id="userToSectionModalPanel" width="920" height="475" showWhenRendered="#{ProgramAction.sectionModal}">

                                                        <f:facet name="header">


                                                                <h:outputText value="Assign Users To #{ProgramAction.labelSectionName}"></h:outputText>



                                                        <h:form id="panelform">

                                                            <table border="0">


                                                                    <td colspan="7" align="center">

                                                                        <rich:panel id="sessionMsgPanel" rendered="#{ProgramAction.enableMsgPanel}" StyleClass="#{ProgramAction.msgPanelStyle}">

                                                                            <h:outputLabel value="#{ProgramAction.warningMsg}"  styleClass="#{ProgramAction.msgLabelStyle}" id="modalWindowWarningMessage"/>





                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputText value="Author"/>

                                                                            <span class="required">*</span></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left">

                                                                        <rich:comboBox id="stageNameList1" value="#{ProgramAction.author}" suggestionValues="#{ProgramAction.assignedAuthors}" />


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputLabel value="No. of Items"/>

                                                                        <span class="required">*</span></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left">

                                                                        <h:inputText value="#{ProgramAction.noOfItemsForAuthor}" id="noOfItemsForAuthor" styleClass="input" onkeypress="return checkNumaric(event,'panelform:noOfItemsForAuthor')"  />




                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputLabel value="Instruction"/>

                                                                        <span class="required">*</span></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left" colspan="2">

                                                                        <h:inputTextarea style="height: 20px;width: 100% " cols="40" rows="2" value="#{ProgramAction.userComment}" id="userComment" styleClass="formBox" />




                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputText value="Skill"/>

                                                                        <span class="required">*</span></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left">

                                                                        <h:selectManyListbox id="selectSkills" value="#{ProgramAction.selectedSkillList}" size="5" style="width: 150px; height: 50px; padding: 0px;text-align: left; overflow: auto">

                                                                            <f:selectItems value="#{ProgramAction.skillList}" id="skillList"/>



                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputLabel value="Level"/>

                                                                        <span class="required">*</span></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left">

                                                                        <h:selectManyListbox id="selectLevels" value="#{ProgramAction.selectedLevelList}" size="3" style="width: 150px; height: 50px; padding: 0px;text-align: left; overflow: auto">

                                                                            <f:selectItems value="#{ProgramAction.levelList}" id="levelList"/>



                                                                    <td width="15%" align="right">

                                                                        <label><h:outputLabel value="Standards"/></label>


                                                                    <td width="15%" align="left">

                                                                        <h:selectManyListbox id="standardStandards" value="#{ProgramAction.actualStandardList}" size="5" style="width: 150px; height: 50px; padding: 0px;text-align: left; overflow: auto">

                                                                            <f:selectItems value="#{ProgramAction.actualTempList}" id="standardList"/>



                                                                    <td width="10%" align="center">

                                                                        <a4j:commandButton value="Add" id="addall1" action="#{ProgramAction.assignAuthorsToSection}" reRender="panelform"/>




                                                                    <td colspan="7" align="center">




                                                                    <td colspan="7" align="centre">

                                                                        <rich:extendedDataTable height="230px" rowClasses="row1, row2" value="#{ProgramAction.sectioUserLists}" var="sect" id="simpletab" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;" rendered="#{ProgramAction.enableSectionUserLists}">

                                                                            <rich:column width="15%" id="authorColumn">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="authorFacet">



                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.firstName}" id="authorName" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="12%" id="noOfItemsForAuthorColumn">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="noOfItemsForAuthorFacet" >

                                                                                    No. of Items


                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.noOfItemsForAuthor}" id="noOfItemsForAuthor" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="15%" id="commentColumn">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="commentFacet">



                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.comment}" id="comment" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="15%" id="skillColumn">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="skillFacet">



                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.skills}" id="sectionSkill" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="15%" id="levelColumn">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="levelFacet">



                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.levels}" id="sectionComment" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="18%" id="standardColumn" label="Comment">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="standardFacet">



                                                                                <h:outputText value="#{sect.standards}" id="sectionStandard" styleClass="input"/>


                                                                            <rich:column width="10%" id="deleteColumn" label="Delete">

                                                                                <f:facet name="header" id="deleteFacet">



                                                                                <h:commandLink id="dellink" action="#{ProgramAction.removeAssignedAuthor}" actionListener="#{ProgramAction.action}">

                                                                                    <h:graphicImage id="graphicImage9" value="Images/delete.gif" style="border:0"/>

                                                                                    <f:attribute id="sectionAuthor" value="#{sect}" name="sectionAuthor"/>







                                                                    <td colspan="7" align="center">

                                                                        <a4j:commandButton value="Done" id="sectionOk" action="#{ProgramAction.sectionOk}" reRender="userToSectionModalPanel"/>







                        <ui:include src="footer.xhtml"/>







            package com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.web.action;


            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Discipline;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Grade;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.ImportFiles;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Level;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.ProgramStandardMap;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Project;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.ProjectStageUserMap;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Section;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.SectionAuthor;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.SectionUserMap;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Skill;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Standard;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.State;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.User;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.Workflow;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.data.bean.WorkflowStageMap;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.exception.DuplicateException;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.DisciplineManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.GradeManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.LevelManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.ProgramManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.ProgramStageUserMapManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.ProgramStandardMapManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.SectionManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.SectionUserMapManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.SkillManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.StandardManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.StateManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.UserManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.WorkflowManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.service.manager.WorkflowStageMapManager;

            import com.lw.ipf.itemauthoring.web.util.Constants;

            import java.io.File;

            import java.io.FileInputStream;

            import java.io.FileWriter;

            import java.io.Serializable;

            import java.text.DateFormat;

            import java.text.ParseException;

            import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

            import java.util.ArrayList;

            import java.util.Date;

            import java.util.HashMap;

            import java.util.Iterator;

            import java.util.List;

            import java.util.Map;

            import java.util.ResourceBundle;

            import java.util.Set;

            import javax.faces.application.Application;

            import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

            import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;

            import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

            import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataTable;

            import org.richfaces.event.UploadEvent;

            import org.richfaces.model.UploadItem;




            * @author laser


            public class ProgramAction implements Serializable {


                private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProgramAction.class);

                private ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages");

                private DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");

                private FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

                private Application app = ctx.getApplication();

                private Login login = (Login) app.evaluateExpressionGet(ctx, "#{Login}", Login.class);

                private DisciplineManager disciplineManager = new DisciplineManager();

                private GradeManager gradeManager = new GradeManager();

                private LevelManager levelManager = new LevelManager();

                private ProgramManager programManager = new ProgramManager();

                private ProgramStageUserMapManager programStageUserMapManager = new ProgramStageUserMapManager();

                private ProgramStandardMapManager programStandardMapManager = new ProgramStandardMapManager();

                private SectionManager sectionManager = new SectionManager();

                private SectionUserMapManager sectionUserMapManager = new SectionUserMapManager();

                private SkillManager skillManager = new SkillManager();

                private StandardManager standardManager = new StandardManager();

                private StateManager stateManager = new StateManager();

                private UserManager userManager = new UserManager();

                private WorkflowManager workflowManager = new WorkflowManager();

                private WorkflowStageMapManager workflowStageMapManager = new WorkflowStageMapManager();

                private Map<String, Integer> workflowMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> stateMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> subjectMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> userMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> gradeMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> levelMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> skillMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> standardMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private Map<String, Integer> stageMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

                private List<ImportFiles> files = new ArrayList<ImportFiles>();

                private List<Project> programList = null;

                private List<Section> sectionList;

                private List<Section> sectionTempList;

                private List<SectionAuthor> stageList = null;

                private List<SectionAuthor> sectioUserLists = null;

                private List<SectionAuthor> sectionWiseUserList = null;

                private List<Standard> standardLists = null;

                private List<User> actualUsersList = null;

                private List<User> addedUsersList = null;

                private List<String> selectedUsersList = null;

                private List<String> movedUsersList = null;

                private List<String> workflowList;

                private List<String> standardList = null;

                private List<String> actualStandardList = null;

                private List<String> actualTempList = null;

                private List<String> actualSelectedStandard = null;

                private List<String> tempList = null;

                private List<String> stateList = null;

                private List<String> programOwnerList = null;

                private List<String> subjectList = null;

                private List<String> gradeList = null;

                private List<String> standardsSelected = null;

                private List<String> sectionAuthorList;

                private List<String> assignSelectedList;

                private List<String> assignSelectedTempList;

                private List<String> workflowStages = null;

                private List<String> assignedAuthors = null;

                private List<String> selectedSectionUsers = null;

                private List<String> tempUserList = null;

                private List<String> workflowStage = null;

                private List<String> levelList = null;

                private List<String> skillList = null;

                private List<String> selectedSkillList = null;

                private List<String> selectedLevelList = null;

                private Set<String> tempSet = null;

                private SectionAuthor sectionAuthor = null;

                private Section section = new Section();

                private String labelProgramName = null;

                private String labelSectionName = null;

                private String programName = null;

                private String programOwner = null;

                private String direction = null;

                private String stageName = null;

                private String workflow = null;

                private String selectedTab = "";

                private String isbn13 = null;

                private String isbn10 = null;

                private String state = null;

                private String subject = null;

                private String grade = null;

                private String warningMsg = null;

                private String sectionName = null;

                private String totalItems = null;

                private String noOfItemsForAuthor = null;

                private String userComment = null;

                private String author = null;

                private String comment = null;

                private Integer height = null;

                private Date dueDate = null;

                private Integer itemCount = 0;

                private Boolean useFlash = false;

                private Boolean enableWorkflow = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean enableProject = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean enableUploads = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean enableSection = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean sectionTable = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean workflowTable = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean sectionModal = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean assignStandardFlag = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean assignUserFlag = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean enableSessionMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean commoncoreMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean stateMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                private Boolean stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                private List<String> commoncoreMetaList = null;

                private List<String> stateMetaList = null;

                private String searchInSelected = "commoncore";

                private String searchKeyword = null;

                private String errMsg = null;

                private List<Standard> searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                private List<Standard> searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = null;

                private List<Standard> searchedStateList = null;

                private Boolean isSelected = Boolean.FALSE;

                private HtmlDataTable datatable;

                private String size;

                private String selectedStdSize;

                private String strand;

                private String selectImage = "select_all.gif";

                private int searchedCCListSize = 0;

                private int selectedCCListSize = 0;

                private Boolean stdModal = Boolean.FALSE;

                private String msgPanelStyle;

                private String msgLabelStyle;

                private Boolean enableSectionUserLists = Boolean.FALSE;

                /*page Navigation */


                public HtmlDataTable getDatatable() {

                    return datatable;



                public void setDatatable(HtmlDataTable datatable) {

                    this.datatable = datatable;



                public String getSize() {

                    logger.info("size:" + size);

                    return size;



                public void setSize(String size) {

                    this.size = size;



                public String getSelectedStdSize() {

                    return selectedStdSize;



                public void setSelectedStdSize(String selectedStdSize) {

                    this.selectedStdSize = selectedStdSize;



                public void pageFirst() {





                public void pagePrevious() {

                    logger.info("pagePrevious:" + datatable.getFirst() + ": " + datatable.getRows());


                    datatable.setFirst(datatable.getFirst() - datatable.getRows());



                public void pageNext() {


                    datatable.setFirst(datatable.getFirst() + datatable.getRows());



                public void pageLast() {


                    int count = datatable.getRowCount();

                    int rows = datatable.getRows();

                    try {

                        datatable.setFirst(count - ((count % rows != 0) ? count % rows : rows));

                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        logger.error("Exepression error :" + e.getMessage());



                /* page Navigation*/


                public int getSearchedCCListSize() {

                    return searchedCCListSize;



                public void setSearchedCCListSize(int searchedCCListSize) {

                    this.searchedCCListSize = searchedCCListSize;



                public int getSelectedCCListSize() {

                    return selectedCCListSize;



                public void setSelectedCCListSize(int selectedCCListSize) {

                    this.selectedCCListSize = selectedCCListSize;



                public Boolean getStdModal() {

                    return stdModal;



                public void setStdModal(Boolean stdModal) {

                    this.stdModal = stdModal;



                public String getStrand() {

                    return strand;



                public void setStrand(String strand) {

                    this.strand = strand;



                public String getMsgLabelStyle() {

                    return msgLabelStyle;



                public void setMsgLabelStyle(String msgLabelStyle) {

                    this.msgLabelStyle = msgLabelStyle;



                public String getMsgPanelStyle() {

                    return msgPanelStyle;



                public void setMsgPanelStyle(String msgPanelStyle) {

                    this.msgPanelStyle = msgPanelStyle;



                public Boolean getEnableSectionUserLists() {

                    return enableSectionUserLists;



                public void setEnableSectionUserLists(Boolean enableSectionUserLists) {

                    this.enableSectionUserLists = enableSectionUserLists;



                public Boolean getEnableMsgPanel() {

                    return enableMsgPanel;



                public void setEnableMsgPanel(Boolean enableMsgPanel) {

                    this.enableMsgPanel = enableMsgPanel;



                public Boolean getEnableSessionMsgPanel() {

                    return enableSessionMsgPanel;



                public void setEnableSessionMsgPanel(Boolean enableSessionMsgPanel) {

                    this.enableSessionMsgPanel = enableSessionMsgPanel;



                /* Obtaining Lists */

                public List<Project> getProgramList() {

                    if (programList == null) {

                        programList = new ArrayList<Project>();

                        List<ProjectStageUserMap> tempProgramList = programStageUserMapManager.findByProperty("userId", login.getUser().getUserId());

                        if (tempProgramList != null && !tempProgramList.isEmpty()) {

                            for (Integer i = 0; i < tempProgramList.size(); i++) {

                                Project tempProgram = tempProgramList.get(i).getProgram();

                                Integer noOfItems = 0;

                                Integer noOfAuthoredItems = 0;

                                Iterator<Section> iterator = tempProgram.getSections().iterator();

                                while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                                    Section tempSection = iterator.next();

                                    noOfItems += tempSection.getNoOfItems();

                                    noOfAuthoredItems += tempSection.getSectionQuestionMaps().size();




                                tempProgram.setNoOfItemsYetToAuthor(noOfItems - noOfAuthoredItems);





                    if (programList.size() >= 9) {

                        height = 180;

                    } else {

                        if (programList.isEmpty()) {

                            height = 70;


                        for (int i = 1; i <= programList.size(); i++) {

                            height = i * 10 + 80;




                    return programList;



                public void setProgramList(List<Project> programList) {

                    this.programList = programList;



                public List<String> getWorkflowList() {

                    if (workflowList == null) {

                        workflowList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<Workflow> workflowBeanList = workflowManager.getWorkflowList();

                        if (workflowBeanList != null) {

                            Iterator<Workflow> workflowIterator = workflowBeanList.iterator();

                            while (workflowIterator.hasNext()) {

                                Workflow workflowBean = workflowIterator.next();


                                workflowMap.put(workflowBean.getWorkflowName(), workflowBean.getWorkflowId());




                    return workflowList;



                public void setWorkflowList(List<String> workflowList) {

                    this.workflowList = workflowList;



                public List<String> getProgramOwnerList() {

                    if (programOwnerList == null) {

                        programOwnerList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<User> tempOwnerList = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_OWNER);

                        if (tempOwnerList != null) {

                            Iterator<User> pmIterator = tempOwnerList.iterator();

                            while (pmIterator.hasNext()) {

                                User pmBean = pmIterator.next();

                                programOwnerList.add(pmBean.getFirstName().concat(" ").concat(pmBean.getLastName()));

                                userMap.put(pmBean.getFirstName(), pmBean.getUserId());




                    return programOwnerList;



                public void setProgramOwnerList(List<String> programOwnerList) {

                    this.programOwnerList = programOwnerList;



                public List<String> getStateList() {

                    if (stateList == null) {

                        stateList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<State> tempStateList = stateManager.getStateList();

                        if (tempStateList != null) {

                            Iterator<State> stateIterator = tempStateList.iterator();

                            while (stateIterator.hasNext()) {

                                State stateBean = stateIterator.next();


                                stateMap.put(stateBean.getName(), stateBean.getStateId());




                    return stateList;



                public void setStateList(List<String> stateList) {

                    this.stateList = stateList;



                public List<String> getGradeList() {

                    if (gradeList == null) {

                        gradeList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<Grade> tempGradeList = gradeManager.getGradeList();

                        if (tempGradeList != null) {

                            Iterator<Grade> gradeIterator = tempGradeList.iterator();

                            while (gradeIterator.hasNext()) {

                                Grade stateBean = gradeIterator.next();


                                gradeMap.put(stateBean.getGradeName(), stateBean.getGradeId());




                    return gradeList;



                public void setGradeList(List<String> gradeList) {

                    this.gradeList = gradeList;



                public List<String> getSubjectList() {

                    if (subjectList == null) {

                        subjectList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<Discipline> subjectBeanList = disciplineManager.getDisciplineList();

                        if (subjectBeanList != null) {

                            Iterator<Discipline> subjectIterator = subjectBeanList.iterator();

                            while (subjectIterator.hasNext()) {

                                Discipline subjectBean = subjectIterator.next();


                                subjectMap.put(subjectBean.getDisciplineName(), subjectBean.getDisciplineId());




                    return subjectList;



                public void setSubjectList(List<String> subjectList) {

                    this.subjectList = subjectList;



                public List<SectionAuthor> getSectioUserLists() {

                    if (sectioUserLists == null) {

                        sectioUserLists = new ArrayList<SectionAuthor>();


                    return sectioUserLists;



                public void setSectioUserLists(List<SectionAuthor> sectioUserLists) {

                    this.sectioUserLists = sectioUserLists;



                public List<SectionAuthor> getSectionWiseUserList() {

                    return sectionWiseUserList;



                public void setSectionWiseUserList(List<SectionAuthor> sectionWiseUserList) {

                    this.sectionWiseUserList = sectionWiseUserList;



                public List<String> getWorkflowStage() {

                    return workflowStage;



                public void setWorkflowStage(List<String> workflowStage) {

                    this.workflowStage = workflowStage;



                public List<String> getSelectedLevelList() {

                    return selectedLevelList;



                public void setSelectedLevelList(List<String> selectedLevelList) {

                    this.selectedLevelList = selectedLevelList;



                public List<String> getSelectedSkillList() {

                    return selectedSkillList;



                public void setSelectedSkillList(List<String> selectedSkillList) {

                    this.selectedSkillList = selectedSkillList;



                public List<String> getTempUserList() {

                    return tempUserList;



                public void setTempUserList(List<String> tempUserList) {

                    this.tempUserList = tempUserList;



                public List<String> getTempList() {

                    return tempList;



                public void setTempList(List<String> tempList) {

                    this.tempList = tempList;



                public List<String> getActualStandardList() {

                    return actualStandardList;



                public void setActualStandardList(List<String> actualStandardList) {

                    this.actualStandardList = actualStandardList;



                public List<String> getActualTempList() {

                    return actualTempList;



                public void setActualTempList(List<String> actualTempList) {

                    this.actualTempList = actualTempList;



                public List<String> getActualSelectedStandard() {

                    return actualSelectedStandard;



                public void setActualSelectedStandard(List<String> actualSelectedStandard) {

                    this.actualSelectedStandard = actualSelectedStandard;



                public List<String> getAssignSelectedList() {

                    return assignSelectedList;



                public void setAssignSelectedList(List<String> assignSelectedList) {

                    this.assignSelectedList = assignSelectedList;



                public List<String> getAssignSelectedTempList() {

                    return assignSelectedTempList;



                public void setAssignSelectedTempList(List<String> assignSelectedTempList) {

                    this.assignSelectedTempList = assignSelectedTempList;



                public List<String> getAssignedAuthors() {

                    return assignedAuthors;



                public void setAssignedAuthors(List<String> assignedAuthors) {

                    this.assignedAuthors = assignedAuthors;



                public List<String> getSelectedSectionUsers() {

                    return selectedSectionUsers;



                public void setSelectedSectionUsers(List<String> selectedSectionUsers) {

                    this.selectedSectionUsers = selectedSectionUsers;



                public List<Standard> getStandardLists() {

                    if (standardLists == null) {

                        standardLists = new ArrayList<Standard>();

                        List<Standard> tempStandardList = standardManager.getStandardList();

                        Iterator<Standard> iterator = tempStandardList.iterator();

                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                            Standard tempStandard = iterator.next();

                            if (tempStandard.getGradeId().equals(gradeMap.get(grade))) {


                                standardMap.put(tempStandard.getStandardName(), tempStandard.getStandardId());




                    return standardLists;



                public void setStandardLists(List<Standard> standardLists) {

                    this.standardLists = standardLists;



                public List<User> getAddedUsersList() {

                    return addedUsersList;



                public void setAddedUsersList(List<User> addedUsersList) {

                    this.addedUsersList = addedUsersList;



                public List<String> getLevelList() {

                    if (levelList == null) {

                        levelList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<Level> tempLevelList = levelManager.getLevelList();

                        Iterator<Level> levelIterator = tempLevelList.iterator();

                        while (levelIterator.hasNext()) {

                            Level tempLevel = levelIterator.next();


                            levelMap.put(tempLevel.getLevelName(), tempLevel.getLevelId());



                    return levelList;



                public void setLevelList(List<String> levelList) {

                    this.levelList = levelList;



                public List<String> getSkillList() {

                    if (skillList == null) {

                        skillList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        List<Skill> tempSkillList = skillManager.getSkillList();

                        Iterator<Skill> skillIterator = tempSkillList.iterator();

                        while (skillIterator.hasNext()) {

                            Skill tempSkill = skillIterator.next();


                            skillMap.put(tempSkill.getSkillName(), tempSkill.getSkillId());



                    return skillList;



                public void setSkillList(List<String> skillList) {

                    this.skillList = skillList;



                public List<String> getMovedUsersList() {

                    return movedUsersList;



                public void setMovedUsersList(List<String> movedUsersList) {

                    this.movedUsersList = movedUsersList;



                public List<String> getSelectedUsersList() {

                    return selectedUsersList;



                public void setSelectedUsersList(List<String> selectedUsersList) {

                    this.selectedUsersList = selectedUsersList;



                public List<String> getWorkflowStages() {

                    return workflowStages;



                public void setWorkflowStages(List<String> workflowStages) {

                    this.workflowStages = workflowStages;



                public List<Section> getSectionTempList() {

                    return sectionTempList;



                public void setSectionTempList(List<Section> sectionTempList) {

                    this.sectionTempList = sectionTempList;



                public List<String> getSectionAuthorList() {

                    return sectionAuthorList;



                public void setSectionAuthorList(List<String> sectionAuthorList) {

                    this.sectionAuthorList = sectionAuthorList;



                public List<SectionAuthor> getStageList() {

                    if (stageList == null) {

                        stageList = new ArrayList<SectionAuthor>();


                    return stageList;



                public void setStageList(List<SectionAuthor> stageList) {

                    this.stageList = stageList;



                public List<User> getActualUsersList() {

                    return actualUsersList;



                public void setActualUsersList(List<User> actualUsersList) {

                    this.actualUsersList = actualUsersList;



                public List<Section> getSectionList() {

                    return sectionList;



                public void setSectionList(List<Section> sectionList) {

                    this.sectionList = sectionList;



                public List<String> getStandardList() {

                    return standardList;



                public void setStandardList(List<String> standardList) {

                    this.standardList = standardList;



                public List<String> getStandardsSelected() {

                    return standardsSelected;



                public void setStandardsSelected(List<String> standardsSelected) {

                    this.standardsSelected = standardsSelected;



                public List<ImportFiles> getFiles() {

                    return files;



                public void setFiles(List<ImportFiles> files) {

                    this.files = files;



                public Set<String> getTempSet() {

                    return tempSet;



                public void setTempSet(Set<String> tempSet) {

                    this.tempSet = tempSet;



                public String getUserComment() {

                    return userComment;



                public void setUserComment(String userComment) {

                    this.userComment = userComment;



                public String getAuthor() {

                    return author;



                public void setAuthor(String author) {

                    this.author = author;



                public String getComment() {

                    return comment;



                public void setComment(String comment) {

                    this.comment = comment;



                public Boolean getAssignUserFlag() {

                    return assignUserFlag;



                public void setAssignUserFlag(Boolean assignUserFlag) {

                    this.assignUserFlag = assignUserFlag;



                public Boolean getUseFlash() {

                    return useFlash;



                public void setUseFlash(Boolean useFlash) {

                    this.useFlash = useFlash;



                public Boolean getAssignStandardFlag() {

                    return assignStandardFlag;



                public void setAssignStandardFlag(Boolean assignStandardFlag) {

                    this.assignStandardFlag = assignStandardFlag;



                public String getDirection() {

                    return direction;



                public void setDirection(String direction) {

                    this.direction = direction;



                public Boolean getWorkflowTable() {

                    return workflowTable;



                public void setWorkflowTable(Boolean workflowTable) {

                    this.workflowTable = workflowTable;



                public Boolean getSectionTable() {

                    return sectionTable;



                public void setSectionTable(Boolean sectionTable) {

                    this.sectionTable = sectionTable;



                public Date getDueDate() {

                    return dueDate;



                public void setDueDate(Date dueDate) {

                    this.dueDate = dueDate;



                public String getStageName() {

                    return stageName;



                public void setStageName(String stageName) {

                    this.stageName = stageName;



                public Boolean getSectionModal() {

                    return sectionModal;



                public void setSectionModal(Boolean sectionModal) {

                    this.sectionModal = sectionModal;



                public Boolean getEnableSection() {

                    return enableSection;



                public void setEnableSection(Boolean enableSection) {

                    this.enableSection = enableSection;



                public String getWorkflow() {

                    return workflow;



                public void setWorkflow(String workflow) {

                    this.workflow = workflow;



                public Boolean getEnableWorkflow() {

                    return enableWorkflow;



                public void setEnableWorkflow(Boolean enableWorkflow) {

                    this.enableWorkflow = enableWorkflow;



                public Boolean getEnableUploads() {

                    return enableUploads;



                public void setEnableUploads(Boolean enableUploads) {

                    this.enableUploads = enableUploads;



                public String getSubject() {

                    return subject;



                public void setSubject(String subject) {

                    this.subject = subject;



                public String getGrade() {

                    return grade;



                public void setGrade(String grade) {

                    this.grade = grade;



                public String getState() {

                    return state;



                public void setState(String state) {

                    this.state = state;



                public String getTotalItems() {

                    return totalItems;



                public void setTotalItems(String totalItems) {

                    this.totalItems = totalItems;



                public String getNoOfItemsForAuthor() {

                    return noOfItemsForAuthor;



                public void setNoOfItemsForAuthor(String noOfItemsForAuthor) {

                    this.noOfItemsForAuthor = noOfItemsForAuthor;



                public String getSectionName() {

                    return sectionName;



                public void setSectionName(String sectionName) {

                    this.sectionName = sectionName;



                public String getIsbn10() {

                    return isbn10;



                public void setIsbn10(String isbn10) {

                    this.isbn10 = isbn10;



                public String getIsbn13() {

                    return isbn13;



                public void setIsbn13(String isbn13) {

                    this.isbn13 = isbn13;



                public String getProgramOwner() {

                    return programOwner;



                public void setProgramOwner(String programOwner) {

                    this.programOwner = programOwner;



                public String getProgramName() {

                    return programName;



                public void setProgramName(String programName) {

                    this.programName = programName;



                public String getWarningMsg() {

                    return warningMsg;



                public void setWarningMsg(String warningMsg) {

                    this.warningMsg = warningMsg;



                public Boolean getEnableProject() {

                    return enableProject;



                public void setEnableProject(Boolean enableProject) {

                    this.enableProject = enableProject;



                public String getSelectedTab() {

                    return selectedTab;



                public void setSelectedTab(String selectedTab) {

                    this.selectedTab = selectedTab;



                public String getLabelProgramName() {

                    labelProgramName = rb.getString("programName");

                    return labelProgramName;



                public void setLabelProgramName(String labelProgramName) {

                    this.labelProgramName = labelProgramName;



                public String getLabelSectionName() {

                    labelSectionName = rb.getString("sectionName");

                    return labelSectionName;



                public void setLabelSectionName(String labelSectionName) {

                    this.labelSectionName = labelSectionName;



                public Integer getHeight() {

                    return height;



                public void setHeight(Integer height) {

                    this.height = height;


                /* getting list ends */


                public String projectNext() {

                    if (programName.equalsIgnoreCase("") || programName.equalsIgnoreCase(null) || programOwner.equalsIgnoreCase("") || programOwner.equalsIgnoreCase(null)) {

                        warningMsg = rb.getString("mandatory");

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                        logger.info(" projNext if");

                        return "createProgram";


                    } else { logger.info(" projNext else");

                        try {

                            logger.debug("isbn 10:"+isbn10.length()+" isbn 13:"+isbn13.length());

                            if (programManager.getProgram(programName) != null) {

                                warningMsg = "Form with name ".concat(programName).concat(" already exist");

                                displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                                return "createProgram";

                            } else if ((isbn10 != null && !"".equals(isbn10)) || (isbn13 != null && !"".equals(isbn13))) {

                                if (isbn10.length() != 13) {

                                    logger.info("isbn10 projNext");

                                    warningMsg = "Inavlid ISBN10";

                                    displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                                    return "createProgram";

                                } else if (isbn13.length() != 17) {

                                    logger.info("isbn13 projNext");

                                    warningMsg = "Inavlid ISBN13";

                                    displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                                    return "createProgram";



                        } catch (Exception e) {




                    logger.info("projectNext: isbn10 " + isbn10 + " isbn13 " + isbn13);



                    return "assignStandards";



                public String assignStandardPrev() {


                    return "createProgram";



                public String assignStandardNext() {

                    if (selectedCCListSize == 0 || grade == null || "".equals(grade) || subject == null || "".equals(subject)) {

                        warningMsg = "You have not assigned standard(s)";

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                        return "assignStandards";

                    } else {


                        return "workflowSetup";





                public String workflowPrev() {


                    return "assignStandards";



                public String workflowNext() {

                    if (workflow == null || "".equals(workflow)) {

                        warningMsg = "Please select the workflow!";

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                    } else {

                        if (stageList == null || workflowStages == null || stageList.isEmpty() || workflowStages.isEmpty() || stageList.size() < workflowStages.size()) {

                            warningMsg = "Please assign the users for all the stages!";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                        } else {


                            Boolean isDataValid = Boolean.TRUE;

                            Iterator<SectionAuthor> iterator = stageList.iterator();

                            while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                                SectionAuthor tempSA = iterator.next();

                                if (tempSA.getAddedUsersList() == null || tempSA.getAddedUsersList().isEmpty()) {

                                    isDataValid = Boolean.FALSE;




                            if (!isDataValid) {

                                warningMsg = "There are stages without assigned users. Please check it!";

                                displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                            } else {


                                return "assignSessionDirection";




                    return "workflowSetup";



                public String sectionPrev() {


                    return "workflowSetup";



                public String sectionNext() {

                    if (sectionList != null && sectionList.size() > 0) {

                        Boolean isDataValid = Boolean.TRUE;

                        Iterator<Section> iterator = sectionList.iterator();

                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                            Section tempSection = iterator.next();

                            if (tempSection.getSectionUserList() == null || tempSection.getSectionUserList().isEmpty()) {

                                isDataValid = Boolean.FALSE;




                        if (isDataValid) {


                            return "summary";

                        } else {

                            warningMsg = "Please assign authors for all the sections!";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                    } else {

                        warningMsg = "Please add atlease one section into your program!";

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                    return "assignSessionDirection";



                public String uploadPrev() {


                    return "assignSessionDirection";



                public void addSectionToProgram() {

                    if (sectionName != null && !"".equals(sectionName) && direction != null && !"".equals(direction) && totalItems != null && !"".equals(totalItems)) {

                        warningMsg = "";

                        enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                        if (!validateInteger(totalItems)) {

                            logger.debug("Items " + totalItems);

                        } else {

                            itemCount = Integer.parseInt(totalItems);

                            if (sectionList == null) {

                                sectionList = new ArrayList<Section>();


                            Section tempSection = new Section();




                            Boolean isExists = Boolean.FALSE;

                            Iterator<Section> sectionIterator = sectionList.iterator();

                            while (sectionIterator.hasNext()) {

                                if (sectionName.equals(sectionIterator.next().getSectionName())) {

                                    isExists = Boolean.TRUE;



                            if (!isExists) {


                                sectionName = null;

                                direction = null;

                                itemCount = null;



                    } else {

                        warningMsg = rb.getString("mandatory");

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);




                public void listener(UploadEvent event) throws Exception {

                    UploadItem item = event.getUploadItem();

                    ImportFiles file = new ImportFiles();

                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(item.getFile());

                    byte[] buf = new byte[(int) item.getFile().length()];









                public Boolean validateInteger(String isbn) {

                    try {


                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {


                        return false;


                    return true;



                public void submitWorkflow() {


                    stageList = null;

                    dueDate = null;

                    List<WorkflowStageMap> list = workflowStageMapManager.findByProperty("workflowId", workflowMap.get(workflow));

                    Iterator<WorkflowStageMap> it = list.iterator();

                    workflowStages = new ArrayList<String>();

                    WorkflowStageMap workflowStageMap = null;

                    while (it.hasNext()) {

                        workflowStageMap = it.next();

                        workflowStages.add(workflow.concat(" : " + workflowStageMap.getStage().getStageName()));

                        stageMap.put(workflowStageMap.getStage().getStageName(), workflowStageMap.getStageId());


                    List<Workflow> subWorkflowList = workflowManager.findByProperty("parentWorkflowId", workflowMap.get(workflow));

                    if (subWorkflowList != null && !subWorkflowList.isEmpty()) {

                        Iterator<Workflow> workflowIterator = subWorkflowList.iterator();

                        while (workflowIterator.hasNext()) {

                            Workflow subWorkflow = workflowIterator.next();

                            List<WorkflowStageMap> list1 = workflowStageMapManager.findByProperty("workflowId", subWorkflow.getWorkflowId());

                            Iterator<WorkflowStageMap> it1 = list1.iterator();

                            while (it1.hasNext()) {

                                WorkflowStageMap workflowStageMap1 = it1.next();

                                workflowStages.add(subWorkflow.getWorkflowName().concat(" : " + workflowStageMap1.getStage().getStageName()));






                public String assignStandards() {



                    searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = new ArrayList<Standard>();

                    if (searchedCCListSize == 0) {

                        warningMsg = "There is no standards to be assigned. Please select atleast one standard";

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                    } else {

                        Iterator<Standard> it = searchedCommoncoreList.iterator();

                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                            Standard tempStd = it.next();

                            if (tempStd.getIsSelected()) {




                        selectedCCListSize = searchedCommoncoreSelectedList.size();

                        selectedStdSize = selectedCCListSize + " standards(s) assigned to " + programName;

                        displayMessage("Success", selectedStdSize);

                        if (grade == null || "".equals(grade)) {

                            warningMsg = "Please select grade";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                        } else if (subject == null || "".equals(subject)) {

                            warningMsg = "Please select discipline";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                        } else if (selectedCCListSize == 0) {

                            warningMsg = "Please select atleast one standard";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                        } else {

                            stdModal = Boolean.FALSE;





                    return "assignStandards";



                public void addAllStandard() {

                    if (searchedCommoncoreSelectedList != null) {


                        actualTempList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        Iterator<Standard> it = searchedCommoncoreSelectedList.iterator();

                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                            Standard standard = it.next();







                public void addStandard() {

                    if (actualTempList != null) {

                        tempList = actualTempList;

                        if (!(standardLists.size() == actualTempList.size())) {

                            actualTempList = new ArrayList<String>();

                            Iterator<String> it = actualSelectedStandard.iterator();

                            while (it.hasNext()) {

                                String standardName = it.next();



                            Iterator<String> it1 = tempList.iterator();

                            while (it1.hasNext()) {

                                String standard = it1.next();




                    } else {

                        actualTempList = new ArrayList<String>();

                        Iterator<String> it = actualSelectedStandard.iterator();

                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                            String standardName = it.next();





                    Iterator<Standard> it = standardLists.iterator();

                    while (it.hasNext()) {

                        Standard standard = it.next();

                        int i = 0;

                        Iterator<String> it1 = actualTempList.iterator();

                        while (it1.hasNext()) {

                            String standard1 = it1.next();

                            if (standard1.equals(standard.getStandardName())) {

                                if (i != 0) {









                public void removeStandard() {

                    if (actualTempList != null) {

                        if (actualStandardList != null) {

                            Iterator<String> it = actualStandardList.iterator();

                            while (it.hasNext()) {

                                String string = it.next();

                                Iterator<String> it1 = actualTempList.iterator();

                                while (it1.hasNext()) {

                                    String string1 = it1.next();

                                    if (string.equals(string1)) {









                public void removeAllStandard() {

                    if (actualTempList != null) {





                public void standardOk() {

                    assignStandardFlag = Boolean.FALSE;



                public void assignStageLevelUsers() {

                    actualUsersList = sectionAuthor.getActualUsersList();

                    addedUsersList = sectionAuthor.getAddedUsersList();

                    assignUserFlag = Boolean.TRUE;



                public void addAllUsers() {

                    if (actualUsersList != null) {

                        addedUsersList = actualUsersList;





                public void addUsers() {

                    if (addedUsersList == null) {

                        addedUsersList = new ArrayList<User>();


            //        logger.debug("addUsers: - : actualUsersList:" +actualUsersList.size()+ " addedUsersList: "+addedUsersList.size());

                    if (!(actualUsersList.size() == addedUsersList.size())) {

                        logger.debug("selectedUsersList:" +selectedUsersList.size());

                        if (!selectedUsersList.isEmpty()) {

                            Iterator<String> iterator = selectedUsersList.iterator();

                            while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                                String userId = iterator.next();

                                Iterator<User> userIterator = actualUsersList.iterator();

                                while (userIterator.hasNext()) {

                                    User tempUser = userIterator.next();

                                    if (Integer.valueOf(userId).equals(tempUser.getUserId())) {

                                        Boolean isExists = Boolean.FALSE;

                                        Iterator<User> tempIterator = addedUsersList.iterator();

                                        while (tempIterator.hasNext()) {

                                            if (Integer.valueOf(userId).equals(tempIterator.next().getUserId())) {

                                                isExists = Boolean.TRUE;




                                        if (!isExists) {











                public void removeUsers() {

                    logger.debug("removeUsers: - : movedUsersList:" +movedUsersList.size()+ " addedUsersList: "+addedUsersList.size());

                    if (addedUsersList != null) {

                        if (movedUsersList != null) {

                            Iterator<String> it = movedUsersList.iterator();

                            while (it.hasNext()) {

                                String userId = it.next();

                                Iterator<User> it1 = addedUsersList.iterator();

                                while (it1.hasNext()) {

                                    User tempUser = it1.next();

                                    if (Integer.valueOf(userId).equals(tempUser.getUserId())) {









                public void removeAllUsers() {

                    logger.debug("removeAllUsers: - : actualUsersList:" +actualUsersList.size()+ " addedUsersList: "+addedUsersList.size());

                    if (addedUsersList != null) {





                public void userOk() {


                    for (int i = 0; i < stageList.size(); i++) {

                        SectionAuthor tempSectionAuthor = stageList.get(i);

                        if (tempSectionAuthor.getStageName().equals(sectionAuthor.getStageName())) {

                            stageList.set(i, sectionAuthor);




                    assignUserFlag = Boolean.FALSE;



                public void addStage() {


                    try {

                        if (stageList == null) {

                            stageList = new ArrayList<SectionAuthor>();


                        Boolean isExists = Boolean.FALSE;

                        Iterator<SectionAuthor> iterator = stageList.iterator();

                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                            if (iterator.next().getStageName().equals(stageName)) {

                                isExists = Boolean.TRUE;




                        if (!isExists) {

                            if (stageName != null && !"".equals(stageName) && dueDate != null) {

                                if (isValidDate()) {

                                    SectionAuthor tempSectionAuthor = new SectionAuthor();




                                    List<User> list = null;

                                    if (stageName.contains("WRITING")) {

                                        list = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_AUTHOR);

                                    } else if (stageName.contains("EDITORIAL")) {

                                        list = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_EDITOR);

                                    } else if (stageName.contains("COMP REVIEW")) {

                                        list = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_PROOF_READER);

                                    } else if (stageName.contains("COMP")) {

                                        list = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_COMPOSITOR);

                                    } else if (stageName.contains("APPROVAL")) {

                                        list = userManager.findByProperty("roleId", Constants.ROLE_OWNER);


                                    for (Integer i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

                                        User tempUser = list.get(i);

                                        userMap.put(tempUser.getFirstName(), tempUser.getUserId());




                                    stageName = null;

                                    dueDate = null;

                                } else {

                                    warningMsg = "Please select a valid date!";

                                    displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                            } else {

                                warningMsg = "Please fill the mandatory fields!";

                                displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                        } else {

                            warningMsg = "Please select a different stage. If you want to edit the date, please delete the stage and add once again";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        logger.error("Error in addStage Method : " + e);




                private Boolean isValidDate() throws ParseException {

                    if (!stageList.isEmpty() && dueDate.before(formatter.parse(stageList.get(stageList.size() - 1).getDueDate()))) {

                        return Boolean.FALSE;


                    return Boolean.TRUE;



                public void action(ActionEvent event) {

                    sectionAuthor = (SectionAuthor) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("sectionAuthor");



                public void removeStageWorkflow() {

                    Iterator<SectionAuthor> it = stageList.iterator();

                    while (it.hasNext()) {

                        SectionAuthor tempSectionAuthor = it.next();

                        if (tempSectionAuthor.getStageName().equals(sectionAuthor.getStageName())) {






                public void deleteAction(ActionEvent event) {

                    section = (Section) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("section");



                public void removeSection() {

                    Iterator<Section> it = sectionList.iterator();

                    while (it.hasNext()) {

                        Section tempSection = it.next();

                        if (tempSection.getSectionName().equals(section.getSectionName())) {






                public void removeAssignedAuthor() {

                    for (Integer i = 0; i < sectioUserLists.size(); i++) {

                        SectionAuthor tempSA = sectioUserLists.get(i);

                        if (tempSA.getFirstName().equals(sectionAuthor.getFirstName())) {






                public void assignAuthorsToSection() {


                    if (sectioUserLists == null) {

                        sectioUserLists = new ArrayList<SectionAuthor>();


                    if (author != null && !"".equals(author) && noOfItemsForAuthor != null && !"".equals(noOfItemsForAuthor) && userComment != null && !"".equals(userComment)) {

                        Integer count = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < sectioUserLists.size(); i++) {

                            SectionAuthor sa = sectioUserLists.get(i);

                            count += sa.getNoOfItemsForAuthor();


                        if ((count + Integer.valueOf(noOfItemsForAuthor)) <= section.getNoOfItems()) {

                            SectionAuthor tempSectionAuthor = new SectionAuthor();








                            String skills = "";

                            String levels = "";

                            String standards = "";

                            for (Integer k = 0; k < selectedSkillList.size(); k++) {

                                if (k > 0) {

                                    skills += ", ";


                                skills += selectedSkillList.get(k);


                            for (Integer k = 0; k < selectedLevelList.size(); k++) {

                                if (k > 0) {

                                    levels += ", ";


                                levels += selectedLevelList.get(k);


                            if (actualStandardList == null) {

                                actualStandardList = new ArrayList<String>();


                            for (Integer k = 0; k < actualStandardList.size(); k++) {

                                if (k > 0) {

                                    standards += ", ";


                                standards += actualStandardList.get(k);






                            author = null;

                            noOfItemsForAuthor = null;

                            userComment = null;

                            selectedSkillList = null;

                            selectedLevelList = null;

                            actualStandardList = null;

                            enableSectionUserLists = Boolean.TRUE;

                        } else {

                            warningMsg = "Maximum " + (section.getNoOfItems() - count) + " item(s) can be assigned!";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);


                    } else {

                        warningMsg = rb.getString("mandatory");

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);




                public void sectionOk() {

                    if (sectionWiseUserList == null) {

                        sectionWiseUserList = new ArrayList<SectionAuthor>();


                    Integer count = 0;

                    for (Integer i = 0; i < sectioUserLists.size(); i++) {

                        SectionAuthor tempSA = sectioUserLists.get(i);

                        logger.debug("tempSA" + tempSA.getFirstName());

                        count += tempSA.getNoOfItemsForAuthor();


                    if (count.equals(section.getNoOfItems())) {


                        logger.debug("List : " + section.getSectionUserList());

                        for (Integer i = 0; i < sectionList.size(); i++) {

                            Section tempSection = sectionList.get(i);

                            if (tempSection.getSectionName().equals(section.getSectionName())) {

                                sectionList.set(i, section);




                        sectionModal = Boolean.FALSE;

                    } else {

                        warningMsg = (section.getNoOfItems() - count) + " more item(s) to be assigned!";

                        displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);





                public void StandardsOk() {

                    stdModal = Boolean.FALSE;



                public String assignSectionRemove() {

                    return "createProgram";



                public void assignSectionUser() {


                    author = null;

                    noOfItemsForAuthor = null;

                    userComment = null;

                    selectedLevelList = null;

                    selectedSkillList = null;

                    actualStandardList = null;

                    sectioUserLists = section.getSectionUserList();

                    sectionModal = Boolean.TRUE;

                    assignedAuthors = new ArrayList<String>();

                    Iterator<SectionAuthor> iterator = stageList.iterator();

                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                        SectionAuthor tempSA = iterator.next();


                        if (tempSA.getStageName().contains("WRITING")) {

                            Iterator<User> it = tempSA.getAddedUsersList().iterator();

                            while (it.hasNext()) {







                public void Save() {

                    try {

                        Boolean flag=Boolean.FALSE;

                        String instructionContent = "Form : " + programName;

                        logger.info("Save Form : " + programName);

                        Project program = new Project();



                        program.setUserId(userMap.get(programOwner.split(" ")[0]));









                        program.setCreatedDate(new Date());


                        program.setModifiedDate(new Date());



                        program = programManager.getProgram(programName);


                        instructionContent += "\nStandards : ";

                        int templistSize = actualTempList.size();

                        Iterator<String> it = actualTempList.iterator();

                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                            logger.info("stds selected " + it.next());


                        for (Integer i = 0; i < templistSize; i++) {

                            ProgramStandardMap programStandardMap = new ProgramStandardMap();






                            if (i > 0) {

                                instructionContent += ", ";


                            instructionContent += actualTempList.get(i);


                        instructionContent += "\n\n";

                        for (Integer i = 0; i < stageList.size(); i++) {

                            SectionAuthor tempSA = stageList.get(i);

                            logger.info("tempSA: " + tempSA.getStageName());

                            for (Integer j = 0; j < tempSA.getAddedUsersList().size(); j++) {

                                ProjectStageUserMap projectStageUserMap = new ProjectStageUserMap();


                                projectStageUserMap.setStageId(stageMap.get(tempSA.getStageName().replace(workflow + " : ", "")));









                        instructionContent += "Session : \n";

                        for (Integer i = 0; i < sectionList.size(); i++) {

                            Section tempSection = sectionList.get(i);




                            String status=sectionManager.save(tempSection);


                                warningMsg="You have already saved this form";

                                displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);





                            if (i > 0) {

                                instructionContent += ", ";


                            instructionContent += tempSection.getSectionName() + " : " + tempSection.getNoOfItems() + " items";

                            logger.debug("instructionContent " + instructionContent);

                            //tempSection = sectionManager.getSection(tempSection.getSectionName());

                            logger.debug("tempSection: " + tempSection.getSectionId() + " name" + tempSection.getSectionName());

                            logger.debug("tempSection ulist" + tempSection.getSectionUserList());

                            logger.debug("tempSection.getSectionUserList().size()" + tempSection.getSectionUserList().size());


                            for (Integer j = 0; j < tempSection.getSectionUserList().size(); j++) {

                                SectionAuthor tempSA = tempSection.getSectionUserList().get(j);

                                SectionUserMap sectionUserMap = new SectionUserMap();












                                logger.info("p sectionUserMapManager.save(sectionUserMap);");



                        if (!flag) {

                            File instructionFile = new File("C:/filestorage/Text/" + programName + "_Instructions.txt");

                            if (!instructionFile.exists()) {


                                logger.info("C:/filestorage/Text/" + programName + "_Instructions.txt created");


                            FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(instructionFile);





                            warningMsg = "Data saved successfully!";

                            displayMessage("Success", warningMsg);


                    } catch (DuplicateException de) {


                    } catch (Exception e) {




                /* Assign standards  begins */


                public Boolean isCommoncoreMetaEnabled() {

                    return commoncoreMetaEnabled;



                public void setCommoncoreMetaEnabled(Boolean commoncoreMetaEnabled) {

                    this.commoncoreMetaEnabled = commoncoreMetaEnabled;



                public Boolean isCommoncoreTableEnabled() {

                    return commoncoreTableEnabled;



                public void setCommoncoreTableEnabled(Boolean commoncoreTableEnabled) {

                    this.commoncoreTableEnabled = commoncoreTableEnabled;



                public String getSearchInSelected() {

                    return searchInSelected;



                public void setSearchInSelected(String searchInSelected) {

                    this.searchInSelected = searchInSelected;



                public String getSearchKeyword() {

                    return searchKeyword;



                public void setSearchKeyword(String searchKeyword) {

                    this.searchKeyword = searchKeyword;



                public String getErrMsg() {

                    return errMsg;



                public void setErrMsg(String errMsg) {

                    this.errMsg = errMsg;



                public List<String> getCommoncoreMetaList() {

                    return commoncoreMetaList;



                public void setCommoncoreMetaList(List<String> commoncoreMetaList) {

                    this.commoncoreMetaList = commoncoreMetaList;



                public List<String> getStateMetaList() {

                    return stateMetaList;



                public void setStateMetaList(List<String> stateMetaList) {

                    this.stateMetaList = stateMetaList;



                public List<Standard> getSearchedCommoncoreList() {

                    return searchedCommoncoreList;



                public void setSearchedCommoncoreList(List<Standard> searchedCommoncoreList) {

                    this.searchedCommoncoreList = searchedCommoncoreList;



                public List<Standard> getSearchedCommoncoreSelectedList() {

                    return searchedCommoncoreSelectedList;



                public void setSearchedCommoncoreSelectedList(List<Standard> searchedCommoncoreSelectedList) {

                    this.searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = searchedCommoncoreSelectedList;



                public Boolean iassignSessionDirectionSelected() {

                    return isSelected;



                public void setIsSelected(Boolean isSelected) {

                    this.isSelected = isSelected;



                public List<Standard> getSearchedStateList() {

                    return searchedStateList;



                public void setSearchedStateList(List<Standard> searchedStateList) {

                    this.searchedStateList = searchedStateList;



                public Boolean isStateMetaEnabled() {

                    return stateMetaEnabled;



                public void setStateMetaEnabled(Boolean stateMetaEnabled) {

                    this.stateMetaEnabled = stateMetaEnabled;



                public Boolean isStateTableEnabled() {

                    return stateTableEnabled;



                public void setStateTableEnabled(Boolean stateTableEnabled) {

                    this.stateTableEnabled = stateTableEnabled;



                public String getSelectImage() {

                    return selectImage;



                public void setSelectImage(String selectImage) {

                    this.selectImage = selectImage;



                public String resetSearch() {


                    if (searchedCCListSize != 0) {

                        searchedCommoncoreList = resetCCList(searchedCommoncoreList);



                    if (searchInSelected.equals("commoncore")) {


                        commoncoreMetaEnabled = Boolean.TRUE;

                        stateMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    } else if (searchInSelected.equals("state")) {


                        commoncoreMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                        stateMetaEnabled = Boolean.TRUE;


                    return "assignStandards";



                public String search() {

                    errMsg = null;

                    enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                    logger.debug("searchInSelected:" + searchInSelected);

                    try {

                        if (searchInSelected == null) {

                            logger.info("searchInSelected inside if:" + searchInSelected);

                            warningMsg = "Please Select a catgory";

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                            commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                            stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                        } else if ((grade == null || "".equals(grade)) || (subject == null || "".equals(subject))) {

                            logger.info("searchKeyword inside if:" + searchKeyword);

                            warningMsg = rb.getString("mandatory");

                            displayMessage("Error", warningMsg);

                            commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                            stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                        } else if (searchInSelected.equals("commoncore") && !((commoncoreMetaList == null) || "".equals(commoncoreMetaList))) {

                            stateMetaList = null;

                            logger.info("commoncore: " + commoncoreMetaList + "" + stateMetaList);

                            searchedCommoncoreList = programManager.getSearchedCommoncoreList(searchKeyword, commoncoreMetaList, grade, subject);

                            searchedCCListSize = searchedCommoncoreList.size();

                            if (searchedCCListSize != 0) {

                                logger.info("calling resetCCList");

                                searchedCommoncoreList = resetCCList(searchedCommoncoreList);


                            size = searchedCCListSize + " record(s) found";

                            logger.info("cc list size:" + searchedCCListSize);

                            commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.TRUE;

                            stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;


                        if (searchedCommoncoreList != null) {

                            for (int i = 0; i < searchedCommoncoreList.size(); i++) {

                                standardMap.put(searchedCommoncoreList.get(i).getStandardName(), searchedCommoncoreList.get(i).getStandardId());



            //            else if (searchInSelected.equals("state") && !((stateMetaList == null ) || "".equals(stateMetaList))) {

            //            commoncoreMetaList = null;

            //            logger.info("section: " + commoncoreMetaList + "" + stateMetaList + "" + itemMetaList);

            //            searchedStateList = csManager.getsearchedStateList(searchKeyword,stateMetaList,state,grade,discipline);

            //            Iterator<Section> it= searchedStateList.iterator();

            //            while (it.hasNext()) {

            //                Section section = it.next();

            //                logger.info("SectionList :"+section.getProgram().getProjectName());

            //                logger.info("SectionList :"+section.getSectionName());

            //                logger.info("SectionList :"+section.getStage().getStageName());

            //            }

            //            commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

            //            stateTableEnabled = Boolean.TRUE;

            //        }

                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        logger.error("Error in ProgramAction.search " + e);



                    return "assignStandards";



                public void resetvalues() {

                    state = null;

                    grade = null;

                    subject = null;

                    searchKeyword = null;

                    errMsg = null;

                    size = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                    enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                    errMsg = null;

                    searchKeyword = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = null;

                    searchedStateList = null;

                    isSelected = Boolean.FALSE;

                    size = null;

                    selectedStdSize = null;

                    searchedCCListSize = 0;

                    selectedCCListSize = 0;

                    stdModal = Boolean.FALSE;

                    stateMetaList = null;

                    commoncoreMetaList = null;

                    commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                    selectImage = "select_all.gif";

                    enableSectionUserLists = Boolean.FALSE;



                public void selectAllCC() {

                    logger.debug("selectAllCC: ");


                    try {

                        if (!(searchedCommoncoreList == null || searchedCommoncoreList.isEmpty())) {

                            Iterator<Standard> it = searchedCommoncoreList.iterator();

                            logger.debug("inside if1");

                            if (isSelected) {

                                logger.debug("inside if2");

                                while (it.hasNext()) {



                                selectImage = "select_all.gif";

                            } else {

                                logger.debug("inside else");

                                while (it.hasNext()) {



                                selectImage = "deselect_all.gif";


                            isSelected = !isSelected;

                        } else {

                            logger.debug("inside else :" + searchedCommoncoreList);


                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        logger.error("Error in ProgramAction selectAllCC: " + e.getMessage());




                public List<Standard> resetCCList(List<Standard> ccList) {

                    Iterator<Standard> it = ccList.iterator();

                    while (it.hasNext()) {



                    return ccList;



                public String resetValue() {

                    programOwnerList = null;

                    stateList = null;

                    subjectList = null;

                    gradeList = null;

                    workflowList = null;

                    standardList = null;

                    standardsSelected = null;

                    sectionList = null;

                    programName = null;

                    programOwner = null;

                    workflow = null;

                    selectedTab = "";

                    noOfItemsForAuthor = null;

                    isbn13 = null;

                    isbn10 = null;

                    state = null;

                    subject = null;

                    grade = null;

                    enableProject = Boolean.FALSE;

                    enableWorkflow = Boolean.TRUE;

                    enableUploads = Boolean.TRUE;

                    enableSection = Boolean.TRUE;

                    warningMsg = null;

                    sectionName = null;

                    totalItems = null;

                    itemCount = 0;

                    dueDate = null;

                    stageName = null;

                    selectedUsersList = null;

                    sectionAuthorList = null;

                    enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                    enableSessionMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                    commoncoreMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    stateMetaEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    commoncoreTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    stateTableEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;

                    commoncoreMetaList = null;

                    stateMetaList = null;

                    searchInSelected = "commoncore";

                    searchKeyword = null;

                    errMsg = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = null;

                    searchedStateList = null;

                    isSelected = Boolean.FALSE;

                    size = null;

                    selectedStdSize = null;

                    searchedCCListSize = 0;

                    selectedCCListSize = 0;

                    stdModal = Boolean.FALSE;

                    datatable = null;

                    enableSectionUserLists = Boolean.FALSE;

                    return "createProgram";



                public void displayMessage(String type, String message) {

                    warningMsg = message;

                    enableMsgPanel = Boolean.TRUE;

                    if (type.equals("Error")) {

                        msgPanelStyle = "errPanel";

                        msgLabelStyle = "errLabel";


                    } else if (type.equals("Success")) {

                        msgPanelStyle = "msgPanel";

                        msgLabelStyle = "msgLabel";





                public void unDisplayMessage() {

                    enableMsgPanel = Boolean.FALSE;

                    msgPanelStyle = "errPanel";

                    msgLabelStyle = "errLabel";

                    warningMsg = "";



                public void resetCCtable() {

                    searchedCommoncoreList = null;

                    searchedCommoncoreSelectedList = null;

                    selectedCCListSize = 0;

