3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 21, 2011 10:06 PM by hoang_to

    Remote portlets in pages.xml




      we are using EPP 5.1 and want to reference remote portlets in a newly installed portal by using pages.xml. I have tried a few combinations but everytime, Gatein complains, that the specified portlet id is unknown.


      I have added our remote portlet definition in




      with type=wsrp and contentId=concatenation between  producer id and  referenced portlet (copied from previous debug session).


      In the pages.xml




      I have added a page element trying to reference this definition. The page itself is rendered, but accessing the portlet does not work. The portal does not recognize the remote portlet entry. If I open the application admin page, I can see our definition.


      Please could you tell me how the format in pages.xml has to look like. In the EPP reference guide only local portlets are shown.


      Best regards,


        • 1. Re: Remote portlets in pages.xml

          NoSuchPortletException? I 'm not suprised


          The XML configuration for WSRP is not supported for the moment. Chris Laprun told me that there is some difficulty to integrate WSRPService with ApplicationRegistryService of GateIn

          • 2. Re: Remote portlets in pages.xml

            Hi Minh,


            thank you for your answer. This sounds not good as we need such an automatic setup.


            What would you recommend if we want to automatically setup remote portlets on pages? Are there any hooks we could use at startup?


            Best regards,


            • 3. Re: Remote portlets in pages.xml

              I don't see any way to obtain automatic setup. AFAIK, the gist is problem in mapping application ID provided by ApplicationRegistryService and ID used to identify portlets in WSRP service. That is beyond the scope of portal and we could not handle in configuration of portal (pages.xml)