0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2009 8:40 AM by mtsinc

    orderingList of mediaOutput objects


      This makes no sense:

       <rich:orderingList var="image"
       value="#{listingItem.images}" id="gallery2"
       <a4j:mediaOutput element="img"
       id="paintPic" mimeType="#{image.mime}"
       rendered="#{image.exists}" createContent="#{listingItem.imagePaint}"
       style="width:100px; height:100px;"

      The control renders, but when I submit the page, even if it's only via the (immediate) Cancel button, it throws the following:

      javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /seller/editListingTab.xhtml @278,26 rendered="#{image.exists}": Property 'exists' not found on type java.lang.String

      There seems to be confusion about the data type for "image" inbound vs. outbound.

      On a possibly related note, it would be helpful if the docs would expound on the role and usage of a converter in the orderingList control.