3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2009 4:47 PM by nbelaevski


      Hi All,

      I am trying to edit a record from a datatable through a modalPane.

      modal panel contains two inputText boxes and one inputSelect item.
      The inputSelect is populated from database.First time I had a default value selected. If I won't modified the inputSelect and submit the form then I am getting Validation Error: Value is not valid. I am using richfaces 3.3 please help me to avoid this validation error and submit the the form with default value.

      any help is highly appreciated.

      thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: inputSelect

          if something will be changed if you change the inplaceSelect to h:selectOneMenu?

          B.t.w. probably you trying to use your custom objects instead of selectItems for select without proper converter for them.

          • 2. Re: inputSelect

            I have tried using h:selectOneMenu also but still I am having the same problem. Validation error value is not valid.

            • 3. Re: inputSelect

              This means there's a problem in your application code. Check that equals()/hashCode() are correctly implemented, then try to add converter if none exists.