2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 29, 2011 11:01 AM by rotapa

    PersistenceContext propagation


      Dear All,


      I've just downloaded the JBoss AS 6, I set up a working datasource and I tried to use my "test" beans.



      public class Service1Bean implements Service1 {


          private EntityManager em;



          private Service2 service2;



          public void doStuff() {

          User u = new User();








      public class Service2Bean implements Service2 {


          private EntityManager em;



          public void doStuff(Long id) {

          User u = em.find(User.class, id);

          System.out.println("user for id " + id + " is: " + u);




      I get user for id 13345 is: null

      the id is generated by a table generator, and the user gets saved to the db.


      but the persistence context is not propagated. As I said, I configured only the datasource, nothing else.


      Do I need to configure something to force the propagation?



        • 1. Re: PersistenceContext propagation

          I'm not sure whether the EM works without transaction context.




          to your class definition and check if it works.


          Also it might happen that the two beans run in a different transaction context.

          Than your code might work if you call Service2 from the client, also the User should be in the database after the test is executed.

          • 2. Re: PersistenceContext propagation

            I think I got it.


            @TransactionManagement(TMType.CONTAINER) and @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) are the default so it shouldnt be a problem.


            I didnt write the whole class for simplicity. I have a stateful bean, with extended pc. I wanted to have an exception because of the pc collision.

            but it seems quite strange with jboss:


            so I have a stateful bean:



            public class Service3Bean implements Service3 {


                private EntityManager em;



                public void doStuff(Long id) {

                User u = em.find(User.class, id);

                System.out.println("user for id " + id + " is: " + u);




            so service3 is the stateful, service2 is the stateless


            and in the service1's doStuff method:



                public void doStuff() {

                User u = new User();







            in that case I get:


            user for id 13345 is: null

            user for id 13345 is: null


            If I change the order of invocations:


                public void doStuff() {

                User u = new User();







            user for id 13345 is: pkg.User@aaaaaa

            user for id 13345 is: pkg.User@bbbbbb


            so if we call stateless before the stateful the pc is propagated, and it work for the extended pc as well.

            if we call the stateful before the stateless the pc doesnt get propagated.


            another interesting:

            if I call the stateless before stateful, and I modify the username in the stateless, (the pc is propagated to the stateless so we can do),

            and from the service1Bean we call the stateful the pc doesnt get propagated there, so the user there is null.


            It's quite extreme example, but as the hibernate reference jpa spec  say, an exception should be thrown if we try to call a stateful (with REQUIRED trancaction attribute) from stateless.


            It seems to be a bug/strange feature


            btw, Thank you for the fast reply