2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2011 6:09 AM by fpezzati

    axis2 seems working on JBoss5/6. But I don't know why.


      Hello. I'm completely newbie to jboss. I deploy axis2.war in jboss.5.1.0 and jboss.6.0.0.Final. Everything looks fine because i can see http://localhost:8080/axis2 . Now. To obtain an axis2.war working (when I say working I simply mean that I can reach http://localhost:8080/axis2) i follow these steps (thanks to http://technoracle.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-deploy-axis2war-to-jboss-5.html):

      - unpack the .war,

      - remove lib/xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar (this is enought to get an axis2.war working on jboss.5.1.0),

      - remove lib/jaxb-xjc-2.1.7.jar (I did it to get axis2.war working on jboss.6.0.0.Final),

      -rebuild the .war (jar -cvf axis2.war *).

      I manipulated the axis2.war file obtained by Axis2 release, version 1.5.5.

      Here come the question: why is this working? Why, now that I removed those files, axis2 is running? I hope it is correct to post this question here. I attached my (working?) axis2.war and server's log. Thanks in advance for answers.

