1 2 3 4 5 Previous Next 69 Replies Latest reply on Jul 7, 2011 11:59 AM by atijms Go to original post
      • 60. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

        I think everyone is convinced of it to happen - question is just about "getting it done".


        I'll be at Devoxx next week for the conference and AS runtime meetup - this issue is one of "many" items I'm bringing to the table that could make life so much easier for everyone

        • 61. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

          Sorry to bother again, but is there any news already?


          If anything, the situation only seems to haven worsen with Eclipse 3.6.1/JBoss Tools 3.2/JBoss AS 6 vs Eclipse 3.5/JBoss Tools 3.1/JBoss AS 5.


          With JBoss AS 5 the source was hard to find, but unless I'm really doing something wrong, the source doesn't seem to be there at all with JBoss AS 6.


          I just started a simple hello world Dynamic Web Project, added a backing bean, and now I want to step into a standard Java EE 6 class called UIViewRoot. This should live in jsf-api-2.0.3.jar. So I download the JBoss AS 6 RC1 source archive, navigate into it and... nothing!


          The source just doesn't seem to be there. I searched for "jsf", "api", "mojarra", even for the direct .java files like UIViewRoot, FacesServlet, etc... but nothing.


          What gives?

          • 62. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

            For AS5/AS6 better to push at the JBoss AS forums (feel free to crosslink from here and I'll follow) - but I'm pushing for AS 7 to have things done right

            • 63. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

              Okay, I'll do that. Thanks!


              Should I just repeat the question I asked here, or would you like me to ask anything in particular? I.e. would you like them to adopt a certain convention for ordering the source archive, or provide a mapping .xml file that maps between implementation jars and source jars/source directories?

              • 64. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                if the -src.zip would just contain all the sources you (and other users) could simply attach that src.zip to the jars they would like code for - that would be best first step.


                As you write it it seems like src is missing for some...

                • 65. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                  Max Andersen wrote:


                  if the -src.zip would just contain all the sources you (and other users) could simply attach that src.zip to the jars they would like code for - that would be best first step.


                  As you write it it seems like src is missing for some...


                  Indeed, I think the reasoning is that the JBoss AS source archive now only contains those sources that are specific to the product "JBoss AS" according to the internal organization at JBoss. For the end user, JBoss AS contains e.g. JMS, but this is implemented by HornetQ. From the point of view of JBoss AS guys, HornetQ is an external project, even though it's also being developed at JBoss AS.


                  Then there are the truly external projects, like Mojarra that implements JSF.


                  The old JBoss AS 5 source organization already had a directory called "thirdparty", which then contained a directory "jboss", which would then contain the source of what many people would think to be part of JBoss AS, like jboss-ejb3-core, jboss-deployers, etc. It is this "thirdparty" directory that seems to be the main culprit now.


                  I opened a topic at the JBoss AS forums here: http://community.jboss.org/message/579613


                  If anyone cares about a possible -one-click- source attachment for the whole of JBoss AS, please chime in

                  • 66. Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                    Is there already any progress here?


                    It would already be a big help if the classpath container that the runtime server (e.g. JBoss 6.0 Runtime) represents, allowed to attach a single source file or directory to it.


                    Following that, someone could 'just' extract all source code from JBoss AS for a specific release into a single directory and then attach that in one go. Obtaining this source remains a problem (especially in a single tree format), but maybe this could be obtained from the JBoss maven repository, packaged and perhaps published 'somewhere'. (since it's open source, I guess a community member could just publish this on say Google projects orso, right?)

                    • 67. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                      The single source attachment never worked out for JBoss AS 5, and appearently it never happened for JBoss AS 6 either.


                      But now there's another round starting with Jboss tools 3.3 and JBoss AS 7. Perhaps this issue could be taken into consideration again?

                      • 68. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                        AS 7 is built with maven thus all jars are ear tagged with info to get sources if avaiable in maven repo.


                        So yes, care to open a jira for this thread ?

                        • 69. Re: Adding JBoss AS source to a project

                          Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:


                          AS 7 is built with maven thus all jars are ear tagged with info to get sources if avaiable in maven repo.


                          So yes, care to open a jira for this thread ?

                          Sure, the issue was created here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9309

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