1. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
jesper.pedersen Jul 7, 2011 1:17 PM (in response to iapazmino)The <driver> part should reference the 'name' attribute in the <drivers> section - hence "oracle".
See https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Admin+Guide#AdminGuide-DatasourceDefinitions
2. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
iapazmino Jul 7, 2011 2:53 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Thanks a lot, after a bit more tweaking the final result is the following just in case anyone find it useful
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.oracle.ojdbc6"> <resources> <resource-root path="ojdbc6.jar"/> </resources> <dependencies> <module name="javax.api"/> </dependencies> </module>
<datasource jndi-name="AdmDS" pool-name="OracleDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" jta="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@url:port:sid</connection-url> <driver>oracle</driver> <pool> <prefill>true</prefill> <use-strict-min>false</use-strict-min> </pool> <security> <user-name>xx</user-name> <password>xx</password> </security> <validation> <validate-on-match>false</validate-on-match> <background-validation>false</background-validation> <useFastFail>false</useFastFail> </validation> <statement /> </datasource>
<driver name="oracle" module="com.oracle.ojdbc6"> <xa-datasource-class>oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</xa-datasource-class> </driver>
3. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
jboss_queries Jul 19, 2011 4:58 PM (in response to iapazmino)Hi,
I was configuring jboss 7 but getting missing/unsatisfied dependencies error.
module.xml looks like this
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.informix.jdbc">
<resource-root path="ifxjdbc.jar"/>
<!-- Insert resources here -->
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
And the datasources part in standalone.xml is as below.
<datasource jndi-name="agDataSource" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="agDataSource">
<connection-url>my conne url</connection-url>
<driver name="informix-db" module="com.informix.jdbc">
Please let me know where I am going wrong.
4. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
piotr.komisarski Jul 20, 2011 12:31 AM (in response to jboss_queries)Hi.
I'm also struggling with datasource conf.
I had an idea to migrate to jboss7, but now I'm wondering if it's really a good idea.
My standalone.xml:
<xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jdbc/letterDS" pool-name="letterPool">
<xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@</xa-datasource-property>
<driver name="oracleDriver" module="com.oracle.ojdbc14">
<driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">
I have folder
and in this folder module.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.oracle.ojdbc14">
<resource-root path="ojdbc14_g.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
End I'm ending with :
New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:
service jboss.jdbc-driver.oracleDriver (missing)
5. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
maeste Jul 20, 2011 1:29 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)ojdb14.jar isn't a jdbc4 compliant drive, so we can't desume from META-INF the dirver class and you have to specify it in standalone.xml this way:
<driver name="oracleDriver" module="com.oracle.ojdbc14">
If you use ojdbc6.jar that is jdbc4 compliant you don't need this line because we read it from jar's META-INF.
Note also that currently the only supported jndi names have to start with java:/ or java:jboss/
6. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
jaikiran Jul 20, 2011 2:01 AM (in response to maeste)Stefano Maestri wrote:
ojdb14.jar isn't a jdbc4 compliant drive, so we can't desume from META-INF the dirver class and you have to specify it in standalone.xml this way:
<driver name="oracleDriver" module="com.oracle.ojdbc14">
Is this something we can make more clear in the error message by logging that the driver-class is missing for that driver configuration?
7. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
piotr.komisarski Jul 20, 2011 3:02 AM (in response to jaikiran)hm.
Still the same:
New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:
service jboss.jdbc-driver.oracleDriver (missing)
8. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
piotr.komisarski Jul 20, 2011 3:04 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)Tried also "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", because this is driver class.
But still - missing service
9. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
piotr.komisarski Jul 20, 2011 3:09 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)maybe it's important:
during stopping jboss i have this entry in logs:
09:08:40,921 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] Service status report
Newly corrected services:
service jboss.jdbc-driver.oracleDriver (no longer required)
10. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
maeste Jul 20, 2011 3:31 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)I have tried to configure an OrcalDriver on my machine and it's working.
Please double check the module and the driver part. Is ojdbc14.jar (_g in your case) available in main directory of the module?
I was getting the error without specifying the driver-class, but it has gone fixing standalaone.xml.
11. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
piotr.komisarski Jul 20, 2011 4:40 AM (in response to maeste)I didn't double-checked everything.
I even ten-checked everything.
But now i've found what was wrong in my conf.
My module.xml had space as a first character in file.
When i removed this space i have beautiful entry:
Bound data source [java:letterDS]
Thanks Stefano for your help !
12. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
tc7 Sep 13, 2011 9:06 PM (in response to jboss_queries)Creating an Informix JDBC module for JBoss AS 7.0.1
I found the following worked for me using Informix JDBC v3.70.JC3
<datasource jndi-name="myAppDS" pool-name="MyAppDS" enabled="true" jta="true" use-java-context="false" use-ccm="true">
<!-- h2 for reference -->
<driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">
<!-- informix driver referenced above -->
<driver name="ifxjdbc" module="com.informix.jdbc.3_7_0">
and created the following module.xml in com/informix/jdbc/3_7_0/main:
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.informix.jdbc.3_7_0">
<resource-root path="ifxjdbc.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
And included the vanilla ifxjdbc.jar alongside module.xml
I hope this helps someone else!
13. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
salecha.rohit Nov 8, 2011 9:00 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)Hi my module.xml looks like this
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.oracle.ojdbc14"> <resources> <resource-root path="ojdbc14.jar"/> </resources> <dependencies> <module name="javax.api"/> <module name="javax.transaction.api"/> </dependencies> </module>
my standalone.xml driver part looks like this
<driver name="oracle" module="com.oracle.ojdbc14"> <xa-datasource-class> oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver </xa-datasource-class> </driver> but i still get the missing errro
I also added the driver-class yet it shows the same errrorrr
14. Re: Oracle datasource - missing/unsatisfied dependencies
salecha.rohit Nov 8, 2011 9:01 AM (in response to piotr.komisarski)can yopu please post ur module and standalone xmls pleasee. uit'll be very helpful