11 Replies Latest reply on Nov 24, 2009 7:35 AM by *ninho*

    change locale of



      I'm using the rich:calendar component with a german Locale. Months and years are correct in german language but the {todayControl} always is "Today", also the "Clean" control in the footer.

      How can I change it to german locale, is it a bug?

      BTW: The code I'm using

      <rich:calendar value="#{props.attributeDateValue}" locale="Locale.DE"
       popup="true" showApplyButton="false"
       showWeekDaysBar="false" showWeeksBar="false"
       cellWidth="22px" cellHeight="20px"
       <f:facet name="footer">
       <h:outputText value="{todayControl}" />


        • 1. Re: change locale of

          Hi Gamba,

          This can be localized using message bundles. Please take a look at users guide.

          • 2. Re: change locale of

            Thank you for the answer,

            I know about message bundles. But I did not know that I have to change values for system bundles or framework bundles like richfaces.

            I thougt that changing the locale to german all bundle-values will appear in german. For the months it works, but not for the footer. So, this is an error in the german message bundle for richfaces?


            • 3. Re: change locale of

              There's no german localization bundle.

              • 4. Re: change locale of

                Ok, found it in the docs. I 've read an old documentation ... thx

                • 5. Re: change locale of

                  I added the following messages in my resource bundle, but nothing changed in my webapp. The code of the app is the one from above:

                  # RichFaces-Calnedar labels
                  RICH_CALENDAR_TODAY_LABEL = Heute
                  RICH_CALENDAR_CLEAN_LABEL = Leeren
                  RICH_CALENDAR_CANCEL_LABEL = Abbrechen

                  Any hints?

                  • 6. Re: change locale of


                    in my resource bundle

                    in application resource bundle?

                    • 7. Re: change locale of

                      I think so. I'm using this code in my faces-config.xml:


                      All other keys - values inside my messages.properties are found. But the Richfaces keys are not found ...

                      • 8. Re: change locale of

                        Ok I got it ....

                        After adding the additional


                        know all keys are found ... without the message-bundle-tag, which I placed there after my previous thread-entry the keys were not found ...


                        • 9. Re: change locale of

                          I'm having the same problem Gamba, you managed to solve this?

                          I put the name of my file calendar_pt_BR.properties package org.richfaces.renderkit.calendar and does not work.

                          Can anyone help?


                          • 10. Re: change locale of

                            Hi Ninho!

                            - Create a file (e.g.) mensagens.properties and put it in any package of you project (like util).

                            - Add the following messages in your mensagens.properties:

                            # Labels para Richfaces Calendar
                            RICH_CALENDAR_TODAY_LABEL = Hoje
                            RICH_CALENDAR_CLEAN_LABEL = Limpar
                            RICH_CALENDAR_CANCEL_LABEL = Cancelar

                            - Register your message file as resource bundle, in faces-config.xml:

                            Try it. Works for me.

                            • 11. Re: change locale of

                              Hi Hwoarang

                              That way I had managed to make work, but I wonder if you are using the package org.richfaces.renderkit.calendar, but for the organization.

                              Thanks for the help...