3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 10, 2011 11:40 AM by dbriggs

    local graphicImage not re-rendering with a4j:poll


      Hi - with the following code, the outputText element gets updated every 15 seconds, but the graphicImage (which is being refreshed by another process) is never updated.  I can only see the updated image if I force the browser to reload the page.  I'm using RichFaces 4.0.0.


      Here's the xhtml:



      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"







            <f:view contentType="text/html">

            <h:head>Test 2</h:head>



                   <a4j:poll id="poll" interval="15000" enabled="true" render="poll,grid"  />



                         <h:panelGrid id="grid" >

                             <h:outputText id="lastUpdate" value="Last Updated: #{pollBean.date}" />

                             <h:graphicImage id="firstuse" value="/images/FirstUse.gif" />



           <a4j:log level="ALL" popup="true" width="400" height="200"/>





      and here's the log:



      info [06:56:10.344]: Received 'begin' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

      info [06:56:10.362]: Received 'beforedomupdate' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

      info [06:56:10.367]: Listing content of response changes element:
      Element update for id=j_idt10:poll
      <update id="j_idt10:poll"><![CDATA[<span style="display:none;" id="j_idt10:poll"><script type="text/javascript">new RichFaces.ui.Poll("j_idt10:poll",{"enabled":true,"interval":15000,"ontimer":function(event){RichFaces.ajax("j_idt10:poll",event,{"incId":"1"} )}} )</script></span>]]></update>
      Element update for id=j_idt8:grid
      <update id="j_idt8:grid"><![CDATA[<table id="j_idt8:grid"> <tbody> <tr> <td><span id="j_idt8:lastUpdate">Last Updated: Sun Jul 10 06:56:10 GMT 2011</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img id="j_idt8:firstuse" src="/CloudMonitor/images/FirstUse.gif" alt="" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ]]></update>
      Element update for id=javax.faces.ViewState
      <update id="javax.faces.ViewState"><![CDATA[1243136726746240801:-2687977509467206315]]></update>

      info [06:56:10.370]: Received 'success' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

      info [06:56:10.372]: Received 'complete' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>


      There's no server side complaints.  Any leads much appreciated, I've been trying various forms of a4j:outputPanel, a4j:region, addng 'rendered=true' attributes in various places all without success.

        • 1. Re: local graphicImage not re-rendering with a4j:poll

          (2nd try at posting hte xhtml below):


          <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"







                <f:view contentType="text/html">

                <h:head>Test 2</h:head>



                       <a4j:poll id="poll" interval="15000" enabled="true" render="poll,grid"  />



                             <h:panelGrid id="grid" >

                                 <h:outputText id="lastUpdate" value="Last Updated: #{pollBean.date}" />

                                 <h:graphicImage id="firstuse" value="/images/FirstUse.gif" />



               <a4j:log level="ALL" popup="true" width="400" height="200"/>




          • 2. Re: local graphicImage not re-rendering with a4j:poll

            and 2nd try at re-posting the log:


            info [06:56:10.344]: Received 'begin' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

            info [06:56:10.362]: Received 'beforedomupdate' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

            info [06:56:10.367]: Listing content of response changes element:
            Element update for id=j_idt10:poll
            <update id="j_idt10:poll"><![CDATA[<span style="display:none;" id="j_idt10:poll"><script type="text/javascript">new RichFaces.ui.Poll("j_idt10:poll",{"enabled":true,"interval":15000,"ontimer":function(event){RichFaces.ajax("j_idt10:poll",event,{"incId":"1"} )}} )</script></span>]]></update>
            Element update for id=j_idt8:grid
            <update id="j_idt8:grid"><![CDATA[<table id="j_idt8:grid"> <tbody> <tr> <td><span id="j_idt8:lastUpdate">Last Updated: Sun Jul 10 06:56:10 GMT 2011</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img id="j_idt8:firstuse" src="/CloudMonitor/images/FirstUse.gif" alt="" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ]]></update>
            Element update for id=javax.faces.ViewState
            <update id="javax.faces.ViewState"><![CDATA[1243136726746240801:-2687977509467206315]]></update>

            info [06:56:10.370]: Received 'success' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

            info [06:56:10.372]: Received 'complete' event from <span id=j_idt10:poll ...>

            • 3. Re: local graphicImage not re-rendering with a4j:poll

              FWIW - the issue appears to be that the image was being cached.  I worked around this by adding primeface to my project and using primeface's p:graphicimage.  That allows me to explicitly control the cache setting for each image, i.e. "<p:graphicImage id="firstuse" url="/images/FirstUse.gif" cache="false"/>".


              I also read at http://seamframework.org/Documentation/HTTPClientserverOptimizationStrategies:



              If you use Richfaces, its resources will be served automatically with a cache expiration timeout of 24 hours (at the time of writing). You could disable this with the <web:ajax4jsf-filter enable-cache="false"/> setting in your components.xml.".



              This is good enough for me, though would have liked to be able to use a similar per-resource setting w/ Richfaces.