6 Replies Latest reply on Sep 5, 2011 6:52 AM by anonym365451

    Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

      Hello everybody,


      I want to have own composite components. The texts should come from property files.

      I can use rich components within my components without any problem using +cc.resourceBundleMap+.




      <rich:popupPanel id="myNestedRichPopupPanel"






              <f:facet name="header">

                  <!-- cc.attrs.header -->

                  <h:outputText value="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.headerText}" />


              <f:facet name="controls">

                  <h:outputLink value="#"

                      onclick="#{rich:component('myNestedRichPopupPanel')}.hide(); return false;">






              Additional text inside the popup:<br/>

              <h:outputText value="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.contentText}"/>





      But if a pass a value to another of my components the value seems to be ignored. It is not set within my component bean.




          <h:commandButton value="Open own composite component with nested rich:popupPanel">

              <rich:componentControl event="click" target="myNestedPopupPanel"

                  operation="show" />



          <my:popupPanel id="myNestedPopupPanel" header="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.headerText}">



              Additional text inside the popup:<br/>

              <h:outputText value="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.contentText}"/>





      MyPopupPanel is as follows:


      The component definition:


      <composite:interface componentType="MyPopupPanel">

          <composite:attribute name="header" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />




          <rich:popupPanel id="#{cc.id}"






              <f:facet name="header">

                  <!-- cc.attrs.header -->

                  <h:outputText value="#{cc.header}" />


              <f:facet name="controls">

                  <h:outputLink value="#"

                      onclick="#{rich:component(cc.id)}.hide(); return false;">









      The java class:



      public class RESUIPopupPanel extends UIComponentBase {

          private String header = "Default header text from Java class (should not appear)";

          //private String header = null;





          public RESUIPopupPanel() {




          public String getFamily() {

              return "javax.faces.NamingContainer";



          public int getWidth() {

              return 350;



          ... getter/setter of header




      A war file is attached. Sources should be included there.

      The index.xhtml page shows three buttons.

      The first button opens a popup as I want to implement it: a custom component nested within a surrounding custom component. There the header of the popup is not overwritten as expected.

      The second button opens a popup whose header is set to a hard coded text without usage of a property file.

      The third button opens a rich:popup instead of my own.


      Does anybody know what is wrong here?


      I am using richfaces 4.0.0 tested on tomcat7 and weblogic 10.3.5.

        • 1. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

          I simplyfied my code to reproduce the problem.

          It does not work if the nested component interface has a component type.


          The index.xhtml contains only <my:test/>.








              This is text output in test.xhtml:<br/>

              <h:outputText value="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.headerText}"/>


              Here the nested component:<br/>

              <my:popupPanel header="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.headerText}">





          This is the popupPanel.xhtml:


          <composite:interface componentType="MyPopupPanel">

              <composite:attribute name="header"/>




              This text should be the value of the attribute:

              <h:outputText value="#{cc.header}" />




          My Java class:



          public class RESUIPopupPanel extends UIComponentBase {

              private String header = "Default header text from Class (should not appear)";


              // simple getter/setter...




          This is the output of my page:


          This is text output in test.xhtml:

          This is my header text from properties file


          Here the nested component:

          This text should be the value of the attribute: Default header text from Class (should not appear)



          Can anybody tell me, what's wrong here?

          • 2. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

            The issue has nothing to do with internationalisation but with using EL within my component:




                Here the nested component (with hard written text):<br/>

                <my:popupPanel header="This is hard written text">



                Here the nested component (with text from variable):<br/>

                <c:set var="myText" value="This is text from variable"></c:set>

                <my:popupPanel header="#{myText}">





            If I pass hard written text to the attribute it is shown correctly (first popupPanel).

            If I pass text from a variable than the text is not set in my component bean (second popupPanel).


            Any help out there?





            • 3. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

              Now things work in my little example.


              I added a h:form to my page. With that I got an exception:


              javax.servlet.ServletException: Komponenten-ID j_idt6:j_idt8:j_idt11 wurde bereits in der Ansicht gefunden.


              root cause

              java.lang.IllegalStateException: Komponenten-ID j_idt6:j_idt8:j_idt11 wurde bereits in der Ansicht gefunden.


              Richfaces prints out a complete trace of the component structure which helped me to find out which component was wrong.

              With that help I found out that I should give an ID to _all_ of my elements including outputText.


              The following does not work in my nested component:



              <composite:interface componentType="MyPopupPanel">




                  Hello World



              The following does work:



              <composite:interface componentType="MyPopupPanel">




                  <h:outputText id="text2#{cc.id}" value="Hello World" />



              I have to create an individual ID because the component is used more than once.


              I will integrate the solution into my greater application and let you all know.

              Maybe I will file a bug. I think that RichFaces should generate IDs successfully by itself for the Hello World-Example.

              • 4. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

                the 'solution' results into another bug that I will put into JIRA.


                A simple <div> inside my component is converted into a JSF element. RichFaces ist not able to generate unique ID's for these elements.

                So an exception does occur:


                javax.servlet.ServletException: Komponenten-ID j_idt6:j_idt8:j_idt10 wurde bereits in der Ansicht gefunden.


                root cause

                java.lang.IllegalStateException: Komponenten-ID j_idt6:j_idt8:j_idt10 wurde bereits in der Ansicht gefunden.




                Attached a WAR file with my HelloWorld-Example.

                I run it within eclipse with Tomcat 7.0 and Mojarra 2.1.2 on Windows7_64Bit.


                Attached also the logging in eclipse (complete exception stack trace and richfaces component structure output).

                • 5. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

                  I added bug



                  Here some more explanation about my application:


                  index.xhtml uses composite component my:simpleLevel1 (found in resources\myJSFComponents\simpleLevel1.xhtml).

                  simpleLevel1 uses composite component my:simpleLevel2 twice (found in resources\myJSFComponents\simpleLevel2.xhtml).

                  simpleLevel2 is a composite component with a component bean (com.tsystems.res.SimpleLevel2ComponentBean extends UIComponentBase).

                  The implementation of simpleLevel2 is:




                          <h:outputText value="Hallo Welt"/>




                  So this <div> should be shown twice on the page but the exception occurs as mentioned earlier.


                  I hope this helps to reproduce and fix the problem.

                  • 6. Re: Internationalisation does not work in nested composite component

                    Hello outside,


                    I don't know if someone followed my discussion with myself.


                    Today I found a workaround to the original intension of my question as titled.

                    First I wanted to use property files with composite components that can lay in the same directory as the component and can have the same name.

                    Usage with <h:outputText value="#{cc.resourceBundleMap.myKey}" />

                    With that I only get the content of the default localed property file.

                    There must be a bug in the Mojarra JSF implementation that I use (v2.1.2).


                    A workaround is to use the property file mechanism the common way. Put property files somewhere in the classpath and use f:loadBundle.

                    I'm sad, because the possibility putting the files directly to the component I like much better (all is at one place). But I have to live with that.





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