0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 15, 2011 3:29 AM by ronny.fraunhofer

    JBAS-Clientinformation inside ValidConnectionChecker




      i'm using JBAS 5.1 with an Oracle DB for persistence. Inside my ValidConnectionChecker-Class i need to set JBAS-clientinformations inside the database via DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO.


      Every Client does an authentification at the appserver via my custom login-module. So, the Principal is registered in the SecurityContext (or PolicyContext). I need this information inside my ValidConnectionChecker to set the clientinfo inside the oracle-db-session.

      Is there an other possibility rather than creating an sessionbean that delivers the principal-object? I don't know if this works, because inside the sessionbean I would need the sessioncontext to get the callerprincipal. But I think, if I do an jndi-lookup for this sessionbean inside my validconnectionchecker there is no callerprincipal in the sessioncontext because the connectionchecker is triggered by the server.


      I'm asking for it, because i don't want to develop in a wrong way or walk in traps.


      Thanks for upcoming answers,

