1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 16, 2011 12:39 PM by hernanbolido

    mapping a postgresql array with hibernate


      has anyone successfully mapped a numeric array in postgres to a numeric array in java via hibernate?


      CREATE TABLE sal_emp (name text, pay_by_quarter integer[]); 
      INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('one', '{1,2,3}');
      INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('two', '{4,5,6}');
      INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('three', '{2,4,6}');


      <class name="SalEmp" table="sal_emp">
      <id name="name" />
      <property name="payByQuarter" column="pay_by_quarter" />


      public class SalEmp implements Serializable{ 
          private String name
          private Integer
      [] payByQuarter;
      ...// getters & setters

      i get an exception when querying the table.