0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 18, 2011 9:17 AM by romson

    Solution: NPE VFS.getChild()  snowdrop 2.0.0 M1 jboss 6


      For anyone else:


      I got a NullpoingterException in at VFS.getChild() when starting JBoss (sadly lost the stacktrace)


      This was due to that I was importing spring resources from a folder that didn't exist (using a wildcard as in folder/*.xml)


      In org.jboss.spring.vfs.VFSResourcePatternResolvingHelper#locateResources


              if (!oneMatchingRootOnly)


                  while (urls.hasMoreElements())

                      resources.addAll(getVFSResources(urls.nextElement(), subPattern, pathMatcher));

              } else


                  resources.addAll(getVFSResources(classLoader.getResource(rootDirPath), subPattern, pathMatcher));


              return resources.toArray(new Resource[resources.size()]);



      This getVFSResources(urls.nextElement(), subPattern, pathMatcher) returned null which later through the exception when accessing the URL