2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 20, 2011 7:24 AM by ert

    correlate username and clientid




      I am using durable topic  to notify clients about updates. Each client has own username/password and created durable subscription with clientID (same as password).

      Is there any way to prevent client A to create TopicSubscriber with clientID of client B?

        • 1. Re: correlate username and clientid



          Can you explain why are you doing so?




          • 2. Re: correlate username and clientid

            I have lot of clients (about 3500) , which need to be notified about updates - Publisher posts one message from time to time, which should be received by all of the clients.


            I was thinking about use 3500 queues - one for every client (with configured security settings), one queqe for publisher and connect publisher's queue with clients' queue with diverts, but it could be configuration hell...