0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 20, 2011 3:04 PM by ben.maisano

    Facelets custom resource resolver for external resource


      Hi, I'm using the following stack:

      JBoss AS 5.x

      JSF 1.2.x

      Facelets 1.x

      Seam 2.1.x


      I was wondering if I could load external resources somehow in a custom resource resolver in facelets.  All custom examples I've seen involve getting a resource from within the a different WAR but same EAR.  I want to load a resource from a different EAR/WAR within same JBoss instance, or even a completely external resource that is available through URL somehow.  It would be on the same domain/host/physical machine, but perhaps running in a different jboss instance.  Examples of types of things I'd like to load in are css and xhtml for includes from facelets tags.


      Possible?  Any pitfalls such as performance or other concerns ?  Any ideas would be greatly apprecaited, thank you.