0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 22, 2011 5:03 PM by vinu1983

    a4j:commandButton not invoking the model during first click




              I have some issues with a4j:commandButton. It is not invoking the model during first click. After the first click, it works.


      In other words, these buttons will not be in the screen during initial screen. A subsequent Ajax call from a selectOneMeu will set the rendered value for these buttons. After the buttons are rendered for the first time, the first button click does not trigger the model.


      Also I enabled PhaseListener. During the first button click, only Restore View and Render Response phases are executed.


      Below is the xhtml code:


      <a4j:outputPanel id="workspace">


             <f:facet name="header">

             <table width="100%">



               <h:outputText value="#{adminworkspace.workspaceTitle}"/>


              <td align="right">


               <a4j:commandButton value="_" action="#{adminWindowController.MinimizeWindow}" render="workspace" rendered="#{adminworkspace.window}">

                <a4j:param value="#{adminworkspace.workspaceTitle}" assignTo="#{adminWindowController.passedWindowName}"/>





               <a4j:commandButton value="X" action="#{adminWindowController.CloseWindow}" render="workspace" rendered="#{adminworkspace.window}">

                <a4j:param value="#{adminworkspace.workspaceTitle}" assignTo="#{adminWindowController.passedWindowName}"/>







              <ui:include src="#{adminworkspace.workspaceContent}"/>





