6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 24, 2011 4:29 AM by sukharevd

    RF4. Obtaining URL parameters


      Let's say I have a page which should contain different data-grid in accordance with the parameter of URL (e.g. /activities.xhtml?type=today). Each item of the list should have the link to somewhere, and this 'somewhere' should know the value of that URL parameter.


      There is a controller to decide which list to show. This controller is stored in request scope [and I think it should be so]. As far as I understand there is no way to transmit url parameter through the link inside data-grid item while transfered data is stored in request scope. So I made special bean in session scope to store url parameter.


      Unfortunately I could not make it works properly. The bean in session scope often stores old value of url-value instead of new one.

      If you're lucky and my computer is up you can see it here


      Just navigate using menu. 'Type' parameter will not be always synchronised with the content of page.


      My question is why does it work in such a weird way and how to make it works properly?


      I attaches sources of sample project which does nothing but show this problem.

        • 1. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters

          You can use the <f:viewParam> introduced with JSF 2.0 to map request parameters to backing bean.


          If you are stuck on JSF 1.x, have a look at prettyfaces (http://ocpsoft.com/prettyfaces/) to achieve the same effect.


          Lastly, you can always lok at the facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap(), and parse the request parameters in your backing bean yourself.

          • 2. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters

            I DO use JSF2 and f:viewParam descriptor.

            It looks like they don't work in the way they should.

            • 3. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters

              hi Sukharev,

              I saw this code in your attachment :


                                                      <h:outputLink value="activities.xhtml?type=today">

                                                                <h:outputText value="Today Activities"></h:outputText>


                                                      <f:param name="current" value="Today Activities" />



              try replacing it with this:



              <h:link outcome="activities.xhtml" includeViewParams="true" value="Today Activities">

                 <f:param name="type" value="today" />


              <f:param name="current" value="Today Activities" />




              • 4. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters



                But why is it so?

                • 5. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters

                  with JSF 2 , h:link is designed to submit GET requests and pass URL parameters using f:param or outcome="yourpage.xhtml?param=value", unlike the other commands which uses POST requests.

                  1 of 1 people found this helpful
                  • 6. Re: RF4. Obtaining URL parameters

                    Cool! Thank you!