4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 20, 2009 5:23 AM by cedneve

    isSameRM-override-value in JBoss 5



      what does the property value for <isSameRM-override-value> in -ds.xml signify?
      Is it mandatory to set it to false when working with Oracle XA database?


        • 1. Re: isSameRM-override-value in JBoss 5

          According to docs/dtd/jboss-ds_5_0.dtd:

          The isSameRM-override-value element allows one to unconditionally set
          whether the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRM(XAResource) returns
          true or false.

          According to the javadoc for javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRM:

          This method is called to determine if the resource manager instance
          represented by the target object is the same as the resouce manager instance
          represented by the parameter xares.

          xares - An XAResource object whose resource manager instance is to be
          compared with the resource manager instance of the target object.
          true if it's the same RM instance; otherwise false.

          And then there is this wiki entry: http://jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10013

          • 2. Re: isSameRM-override-value in JBoss 5


            I am using JBoss 5 with Oracle 9i. When i am trying to persist an object with XA datasource to database i get this exception:

            Caused by: org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!;

            What would be the possible reasons for this exception.

            • 3. Re: isSameRM-override-value in JBoss 5

              I don't know. I has been years since I ran Oracle, and I do not use XA. Perhaps another forum denizen can offer some insight.

              • 4. Re: isSameRM-override-value in JBoss 5


                We had the same error with an XAER_NOTA using DB2 v9.5. Adding that configuration line in the deployment descriptor fixed the issue.

                Best regards,