3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 27, 2011 3:01 AM by yaseralhs

    tree NodeSelectListener


      Hi, I am currently using RichFaces trees in Aqua Logic portal environment. I am able to load data, have it communicate with JS, and have it to do other wonderful things. But here is one problem that I've been trying to resolve and it has been forever. I can't get nodeSelectListener to work. When I have my tree stand alone, the nodeSelectListener works; when it is in the portal environment, it doesn't work. It doesn't even get fired. Can someone please help me out. Thank you.

        • 1. Re: tree NodeSelectListener

          can you post both pages , standalone page and portal page.



          • 2. Re: tree NodeSelectListener

            I can't show my codes for the portal page because of my company's policy. The standalone is the example that is on the exadel live demo. The portal page would just be that same code, but instead, running on apache 6 with myfaces.

            • 3. Re: tree NodeSelectListener

              hi all

              if you use  RichFaces 4


                <h:form  id="MTForm" styleClass="form-style">

                              <rich:tree id="tree"





                                         selectionType="ajax"  >



                                  <rich:treeSelectionChangeListener for="tree"  listener="#{treeBean.selectionChanged}"/>

                                  <rich:treeToggleListener for="tree" listener="#{treeBean.treeToggleListener}"/>

                                  <rich:treeNode type="country" >  #{node.name}    </rich:treeNode>

                                  <rich:treeNode type="company" >   #{node.name}  </rich:treeNode>

                                  <rich:treeNode type="cd" > #{node.artist} - #{node.name} - #{node.year}  </rich:treeNode>



              if you use toggleType (server ,ajax),  selectionType (server ,ajax) must tree in form