1. Re: How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?
adji Jul 27, 2011 8:12 AM (in response to tomcheng76)My experience is with an older version of the console, but the problem could be the same.
There are some cross domain issue when you run in hosted mode ( because the console comes from jetty and the server runs in jboss ), so in the console there is a proxy that runs in jetty and connect to the jboss server. This proxy has a configuration file xhp.json ( http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/tags/bpm-console-2.1/gui/war/src/main/resources/xhp.json it is still there, I don't know if they are using it ).
Another good idea is using firebug (on firefox) or the developer console in chrome to see what the javascript code is doing.
Hope that helps, Adji.
2. Re: How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?
tomcheng76 Jul 27, 2011 10:11 PM (in response to adji)Andres Adjimann wrote:
...This proxy has a configuration file xhp.json ( http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/tags/bpm-console-2.1/gui/war/src/main/resources/xhp.json it is still there, I don't know if they are using it ).
Another good idea is using firebug (on firefox) or the developer console in chrome to see what the javascript code is doing.
Hope that helps, Adji.
oh my god, you are life safer...
The problem is i convert the bpm-console to eclipse project by running mvn -Dwtpversion=2.0 eclipse:eclipse
I had to edit errai-proxy.json to change the url back to
now i can edit the client code easily, thank you so much