I wanted add a4j:support to radio buttons on a ui:repeat. When I click one of the radio buttons, the action method is not invoked. Without the ui:repeat everything works fine. I don't know what's wrong and I hope that anyone else knows. Thank you in advance.
<h:panelGroup id="panelGroup"> <ui:repeat id="repeat" var="block" value="#{bean.blocks}"> <s:decorate id="counterDecorate" template="/layout/display.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label"> #{messages['message']} </ui:define> <h:selectOneRadio id="select"> <s:selectItems var="item" label="#{item.name}" value="#{block.items}" /> <s:convertEntity /> <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{action.addItem()}" /> </h:selectOneRadio> </s:decorate> </ui:repeat> </h:panelGroup>