4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 3, 2011 8:26 AM by mick_mcgovern1

    URL to JAX-RS services in AS 7




      I've been working on porting our app from AS 6 to 7.


      The client app can't find the JAX-RS services (and I've tried in a browser). I've added an ApplicationPath annotation but this didn't seem to help.


      If I have a rest.war inside an Capital.ear, On the particular class I have @ApplicationPath("/rest"), @Path("/user") and on the service method @Path("/logon"). When the app deploys, AS7  (7.0.0 Final standalone) says it started my rest.war at the /rest context.


      20:02:01,049 INFO  [org.jboss.web] (MSC service thread 1-15) registering web context: /rest


      What should the URL to this service be?



