1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 3, 2011 12:34 PM by salvo

    externalizeSession()  exception, because JBossSimplePrincipal in not Serializable



      I've a problem and I hope someone can help me.


      In a EnterprisePlatform-4.3.0.GA_CP01 environment I developed an Application that have a SessionReplication.


      Sometimes, but not always, Jboss throw an externalizeSession() exception because JBossSimplePrincipal in not Serializable....


      I've read forum and it seems that this issue was solved in 4.0.3 version, but I've still the problem.


      In my HttpSession I found a javax.security.auth.subject.Subject within the JBossSimplePrincipal that not implemets Serializable.


      How I can solve di problem.


      I'll hope someone can help me.


      Thanks a lot,

