1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 4, 2011 7:53 PM by cooper_lyt

    Problems with Seam's  page.xml have EL param


      I find a Problems


      if  define <param name="param" value="#{myBean.myProperty}"/> in seam's XXXX.page.xml  and vaule is EL


      use  <s:button view="/XXXX.xhtml" /> or s:link  Navigation to this page


      then throws exception :

           Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No phase id bound to current thread (make sure you do not have two SeamPhaseListener instances installed)


      my project is War only one jboss-seam.jar


      if Remove Param's Value is EL , Like:" <param name="fromParam" />"  then is Work



      I use: JBOSS PortLet Bridge 2.1.0.FINAL

               Seam 2.2.1.Final

               RichFaces 3.3.3.Final

               JBOSS AS 5.1

               GateIn 3.1 FINAL  same Problems in GateIn 3.2.0 M01



      Is there a possibility to solve this?  Any help would be appreciated.