0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 8, 2011 3:34 AM by nikida78

    Resteasy app working in AS6 fails in AS7


      Hi all,


      I have a very simple resteasy app, working in JBoss 6 Final. All I had was a class:


      public class First {
          public String getMessage() {
              return "Hello";


      And a empty web.xml. When I copy the WAR into JBoss 6 deploy folder, the REST resource would automatically be recognised, and I would be able to access the resource via http://localhost.../first/hello


      However, in JBoss 7, when I copy the WAR into JBoss 7 deployments folder, the WAR gets recognised as a WEB APP, but the REST resource is not recognised. After some trial and error, I realised I would need to include an extension of javax.ws.rs.core.Application, before the resource can be accessed.


      My question is, which is the proper way, the previous way (no need for *.Application) or the current way (requires *.Application)?