1. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
ropalka Aug 12, 2011 8:14 AM (in response to rjbaty)Hi Robert,
In AS7 this have changed.
Just remove jaxws:invoker element from your config.
2. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
rjbaty Aug 12, 2011 5:41 PM (in response to ropalka)Ok thanks Rio,
After messing around with it I realized I might have the jboss-cxf.xml file in the wrong spot. For EJB endpoints in a WAR does that go in META-INF at the root of the WAR or should I use the standard WEB-INF directory? Also if I have both POJO and EJB endpoints in a WAR would I need 2 jboss-cxf.xml files (one in META-INF and one in WEB-INF)?
3. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
asoldano Aug 23, 2011 9:27 AM (in response to rjbaty)Hi Robert,
your case falls into a more general development topic I'm starting to deal currently, ie. fully supporting "mixed" deployment, with both ejb3 and pojo endpoints in war archives.
As a workaround, in the mean time, you can have ejb3 endpoints and pojo endpoints in separate archives.
4. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
rjbaty Aug 23, 2011 9:48 AM (in response to asoldano)Alessio,
I think the "mixed" deployment is the issue here, you are correct. I'm going to refactor this back to the way I used to have it (WAR endpoints and EJB enpdoints in separate archives) and just ensure everything is working on AS7. I'll keep an eye to see if this functionality is available in an upcoming JBossWS-CXF release.
5. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
asoldano Sep 21, 2011 6:04 AM (in response to rjbaty)Just a quick follow-up, this feature has been implemented and shipped as part of jbossws-cxf-4.0.0.Beta4, soon to be released in a JBoss AS 7 new version.
6. Re: EJB Endpoint in a WAR in JBossAS 7?
rjbaty Sep 21, 2011 9:29 AM (in response to asoldano)Excellent, thanks. I'll look for that in the next JBoss AS 7 release and give it a try again.