1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 17, 2011 4:35 AM by thomas.diesler

    Bytecode WeavingHook in JBoss OSGi


      I am working on the OSGi Migration of a big inhouse Java Application since 2.5 years. Because we are using JBoss as our internet platform I would like to evaluate JBoss AS7 OSGi Container for our Application, but we need a Bytecode WeavingHook to instrument some classes on the fly. The neu standardized WeavingHook in OSGi 4.3 is really nice and works well for us. Can you tell me the roadmap for JBoss OSGi to provide the standard weaving hook? Is it possible to get an early access version to evaluate this? Is there any other way to hook into the classloading except the javaagent mechanism?

