1. Re: How are they get generated in jbpm console ?
adji Jul 29, 2011 9:12 AM (in response to tomcheng76)1 of 1 people found this helpfulThe header ( the tommy + logout ) are in org.jboss.bpm.console.client.Header.java. I think for the images there are using an gwt image bundle ( a way to pack the images and send them to the browser in one shot ).
The menu part is dynamic and is build based on the file workspace.cfg (in the profiles directory) that names the editors to load. The code in WorkspaceGenerator.java writes a class as a string and then compile it dynamically (this technique is called deferred binding).
Every editor has a method provideMenuSection that can change the menu entry to some extents. To change the editor ( the tabs personal tasks and group tasks are part of the editor ) you must look at the class of every editor.
Bottom line the class mainLayout is the one that hook everything together.
Don't you have a getLogo() in Header.java ?
2. Re: How are they get generated in jbpm console ?
tomcheng76 Jul 31, 2011 10:04 PM (in response to adji)Andres Adjimann wrote:
The header ( the tommy + logout ) are in org.jboss.bpm.console.client.Header.java. I think for the images there are using an gwt image bundle ( a way to pack the images and send them to the browser in one shot ).
The menu part is dynamic and is build based on the file workspace.cfg (in the profiles directory) that names the editors to load. The code in WorkspaceGenerator.java writes a class as a string and then compile it dynamically (this technique is called deferred binding).
Every editor has a method provideMenuSection that can change the menu entry to some extents. To change the editor ( the tabs personal tasks and group tasks are part of the editor ) you must look at the class of every editor.
Bottom line the class mainLayout is the one that hook everything together.
Don't you have a getLogo() in Header.java ?
Thanks for your explanation. i have a big picture of the console gui now
gwt-console 2.1 is using errai-workspace 1.1-M1
and i found in the errai-workspace 1.1-M1, the logo code is commentedImage logo = new Image(appContext.getConfig().getLogo());
i guess they separated the workspace from the bpm, in errai-workspace there is no such appContext.getConfig() method, so it is commented.
Hopefully i can solve this problem later.
3. Re: How are they get generated in jbpm console ?
stsivarajjboss Aug 20, 2011 7:40 AM (in response to adji)Hi,
Please help me!..
In my project i have to develop the jbpm work-flow using some web-based editor. I have downloaded oryx editor. but, i couldn't export as jPDL.
I have some idea about GWT.Is it possible to design the jbpm work-flow process using gwt?
Possible means, i need GWT source code. Please help me..