1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2011 9:20 AM by sannegrinovero

    How can I enable infinispan log?




      I checked infinsipan demo script and there was JVM parameter -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///<location of log4j.xml>.

      I am using glassfish and it has own server.log file and log4j.xml.


      I set above JVM parameter in glassfish for infinispan.

      But, it does not seem to work.

      I search infinispan.log at the server but it did not generate it.


      Can anyone help?



        • 1. Re: How can I enable infinispan log?


          if you have a log4j.xml already in the root of classpath, the option is not needed. Infinispan will delegate to log4j if found, and log4j will attempt to load a log4j.xml if found on classpath.

          We use this option as it's handy for demo purposes.