0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 23, 2011 5:56 AM by haribaasha

    Disable messages in server.log


      The following is printed over and over in the server.log. I have tried changing levels in the log4j.xml with no luck..




      2011-08-23 15:20:42,514 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(116)-][tcp] RMI TCP Connection(116)- (port 54147) op = 80

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,515 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(116)-][loader] RMI TCP Connection(116)- name = "[Ljava.lang.String;", codebase = ""

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,520 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][tcp] RMI TCP Connection(117)- accepted socket from []

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,521 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][tcp] RMI TCP Connection(117)- (port 54147) op = 80

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,521 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][loader] RMI TCP Connection(117)- name = "[Ljava.rmi.server.ObjID;", codebase = ""

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,522 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][loader] RMI TCP Connection(117)- name = "java.rmi.server.ObjID", codebase = ""

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,522 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][loader] RMI TCP Connection(117)- name = "java.rmi.server.UID", codebase = ""

      2011-08-23 15:20:42,523 FINE  [RMI TCP Connection(117)-][loader] RMI TCP Connection(117)- name = "java.rmi.dgc.Lease", codebase = ""