4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2009 12:43 PM by alexsmirnov

    layout future



      Are there plans to add 'style' attribute to layout panel (it is needed to make border for panel, margin, padding ) ?

        • 1. Re: layout future

          both rich:layout and rich:layoutPanel components have style attribute ( and styleClass as well ). Do you have any error with them ? Check generated html code, please.

          • 2. Re: layout future

            I am sorry, I can not find them.
            Could you please point me where I can see using 'style' attribute for HtmlLayoutPanel (rich:layoutPanel) component ?

            Thanks in advance.

            • 3. Re: layout future

              Alex, at least attributes not present in configs, and not get into tld though I see that them used in renderers. only page has them generated.

              • 4. Re: layout future

                Yes, that attribute has been forgotten.
                It has no difference with the sane one in the most other JSF components. If you used facelets library you can put that attribute to layout components as usual, but we have to fix tag library for JSP.