2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 26, 2011 4:44 PM by anthonycrane

    JSF 1.2, richfaces 3.3.1, left hand side dynamic panel help needed




      I have a left hand side panel that has links to all the different pages in the application.


      The links are decided dynamically after the user logs into the system based on his/her credentials(roles). I dont know how to implement this. Any help will be appreciated.


      In a normal scenario I may put code that looks like the one shown below.





                      <li><strong><h:commandLink value="#{lhs.abcd}" action="dcba"/></strong></li>

                      <li><strong><h:commandLink value="#{lhs.efgh}" action="hgfe"/></strong></li>

                      <li><strong><h:commandLink value="#{lhs.ijkl}" action="lkji"/></strong></li>

                      <li><strong><h:commandLink value="#{lhs.mnop}" action="ponm"/></strong></li>

                      <li><strong><h:commandLink value="#{lhs.qrst}" action="tsrq"/></strong></li>




      But in this case i cannot hard code the links as i dont know how many will be there for that user. i was thinking of making a map that has the links and the corresponding actions but i am not sure if that will work and how to implement that.


      Please help me !!