0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 27, 2011 12:01 AM by leonardoprc

    Seam or @ManagedBean/@ManagedProperty ?!?!!?


      I have prospected the adoption of best practices for development with JFS-2/RichFaces-4. I have enough considering the use of Seam to manage my Beans / Actions / Models. BUT I have seen considerable advances in features such as:



      public class ExtTableSelectionBean implements Serializable {


          @ManagedProperty(value = "#{carsBean.allInventoryItems}")

          private List<InventoryItem> inventoryItems;


      Maybe they can (in part) "replace" the Seam's BInjectios / IoC.


      - Are these really similar characteristics?

      - I can consider myself satisfied (deliberately) with @ JSF2Managed Bean / Property?