1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 28, 2011 7:27 AM by kpiwko

    multiple modules vs. arquillian


      Hello All,


      I am implementing a multiple modules maven project in eclipse, with a simple structure like:

      Module 1 - JPA - a jar file containing the model classes

      Module 2 - EJB - a jar file containing services beans

      Module 3 - WEB - a war file containing web resources and the others jar modules


      And I am trying to use Arquillian to test the "services" in EJB module and some "functionalities" in WEB modules. What do you suggests? Create a separate TEST module or create the tests inside each module?





        • 1. Re: multiple modules vs. arquillian

          Hi Oscar,


          I'd prefer putting tests into each of the modules. In your EJB module you can test the service beans and it WEB you can test integration including the UI, for example.

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