3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 1, 2011 3:41 AM by kkas

    what does changing portal skin "temporarily" mean?


      Hi, all.


      Does anyone know what changing portal skin temporarily mean?


      In the user's manual, it says "Skins can be changed temporarily (and are reset at log-out) or permanently. " ( in section 5.2.7 Change Portal Skins). However, the skin is still changed after log-out.


      What I did:

      1. Click "Change Skin" in Star menu after log-in as john.

      2. Select "SimpleSkin" and click "Apply"

        (The skin is chenged perfectly)

      3. Click "Sign out" in Star menu

      4. Log-in as john again

      (I still see the "SimpleSkin". )


      I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or just the manual is misleading. To me, it seems like

      changing "portal-wise" and "user-wise", rather than "permanently" and "temporarily".


      I am using GateIn3.1.0-GA with Tomcat.


      Thank you,
