5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2011 3:13 PM by aslak

    Public static class as EJB not recognized by Arq/JBoss 7


      Howdy Guys!


      It seems that Arquillian is not able to access EJB's defined as a static classes. What I mean is if you have the following part of the Arquillian test:


      public class GenericCrudBeanIT {
          TestingCRUDBean cut;


      and assuming that TestingCRUDBean is defined as follows:


      public class TransactionalBean {
          public void call(Callable<?> toInvoke) throws Exception {
          public static class TestingCRUDBean extends GenericCrudBean<Long, TestingEntity> {

      Arquillian will see 'null' as a value of 'cut' variable. However, if the TestingCRUDBean will be set as a separate class in it's own file - it works fine.


      I think that EJB's defined as public static inner classes should be recognized and injected properly, as they are properly resolved when deployed directly in AS 7 or GF-3.1.1.



