mod_cluster and multiple virtual hosts
willemnoorduin Feb 21, 2011 3:40 AMI have been on and out on this topic, and the followijng setup for mod_cluster, Apache 2.2+ and JBoss 5.1+ is working in our test environment. Maybe someone can review this setup, so that we might have a little howto on our hands for future usage:
CHAPTER 1: General architecture
1.0. Setup of JBoss and purpose of the document
In this chapter we work with three different kind of servers, of which the IP-addresses and the
canonical names are the following: webserver ws (Apache 2.2.x) applicationserver as1 (JBoss 5 +) applicationserver as2 (JBoss 5 +)
1.1. JBoss Clusters, Instances and applications:
In this document we configure two apache virtual hosts ( and
Each virtual host shall be connected via mod_cluster with it's own jboss cluster. Clusters are:
cluster1 consists of {node11@as1 and node12@as2)
cluster2 consists of {node21@as1 and node22@as2}
application1.war is deployed to cluster1 and reacheable via
application2.war is deployed to cluster2 and reacheable via
In this situation we have two Apache Virtual hosts which sent requests to two different JBoss-AS clusters, each JBoss-AS cluster consists two instances, each one of them runs on a different (physical) Linux Server (or whatever).
In the DNS, both URLs and resolve to the webserver, and we are using mod_cluster in combination with ajp (Apache JServ Protocol) to pass application calls to the JBoss-AS cluster.
You can solve this architecture by and one humongous, very dirty But a much more elegant way is to solve this with mod_cluster. The last stable community version is mod_cluster 1,1.1, which solves a lot of bugs and problems surrounding the 1.0 versions. Alas, upon writing this document, version 1.0.1 was still the only version supported by Redhat JBoss-AS 5 (Enterprise edition). So in this document we have the following:
CHAPTER 2: General Setup JBoss instances.
In this chapter, we describe the general setup of each and every node. In this document, we use the all/ instance template.
CHAPTER 3: mod_cluster 1.0.1
This describes the installation and configuration of the JBoss-AS instance.
CHAPTER 4: mod_cluster 1.1.1
This describes the installation and configuration of the JBoss-AS instance.
CHAPTER 5: Setting up the cluster
In this chapter we use the template created in Chapter 2 to make two cluster (cluster1 anf cluster2), each consisting of two nodes.
CHAPTER 6: Deploying applications to the cluster
In this chaoter we nodel the applications application1.war and application2.war after a little application known as clusterjsp.war (see attachment).
CHAPTER 7: Apache mod_cluster 1.0.x
How to configure the virtual hosts to run the two applications and when working with mod_cluster 1.0.x.
CHAPTER 8: Apache mod_cluster 1.1.1
How to configure the virtual hosts to run the two applications and when working with mod_cluster 1.1.1.
CHAPTER 9: Starting up and loggings
Starting up and what you see in the logs.
We make use of the following variables, describing the various locations:
o ${JBOSS_HOME} (the place where JBoss-AS is installed)
o ${INSTANCE} (general variable denoting the toplevel directory of s JBoss instance, such that
for instance ${INSTANCE}/deploy is the deploy/ directory of an instance.
CHAPTER 2: General Setup JBoss instance
2.1. Create one cluster instance
as1 # cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/server
as1 # cp -r -p all node11
as1 # chown -R jboss:jboss node11
When you have JBoss-AS Enterprise Edition of Redhat, you can take the production/ template. This template has the same cluster capabilities like all/, but is performance-wise more enhanced (see the discussion
2.2. Tweaking the message service
Out of the box, the Enterprise Edition gives a suckerPassword error when you do nothing about this (I didn't find the problem in the Community Releases 5 and/or 6).
Edit ${INSTANCE}/deploy/messaging/messaging-jboss-beans.xml such that the following is visible:
<property name="suckerPassword">admin</property>
<property name="securityDomain">messaging</property>
Edit ${INSTANCE}/deploy/messaging/messaging-service.xml such that the following is visible:
<!-- The password used by the message sucker connections to create connections.
<attribute name="SuckerPassword">admin</attribute>
<!-- The name of the server aspects configuration resource
o Of course "admin" can be any (hopefully stronger) password, the tweak is that they have to be the same to get quickly rid of the error during startup. Of course you have to look into this a little bit more in a production environment (i.e. this howto is not about how to setup messaging properly).
o We shall make the rest of the nodes after we have configured and installed mod_cluster. In this way you have to do the tedious configuration once, instead of a number of times.
o A handyman's tip from yours truly is to use vi with syntax coloring for xml files, otherwise you keep searching on that one little mistake...
2.3. Start JBoss and look for errors
I do this on a regular basis during the process to look of JBoss itself agrees with our configuration. At this time, you should be able the start JBoss-AS without trouble:
as1 # /${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node11 -g cluster1 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-default
-Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node1/logs/ -Djboss.jvmRoute="node11" -Djboss.Domain=domain1 -Djboss.bind.address=""
We pass as many variables as possible as "-Djboss. .." constructs. In this way, we can make a template instance which we can use without thinking. This line does start JBoss in the foreground. Note also that we have another log directory than the JBoss default (feel free to remove this one, of course, but when you do use jboss.server.log.dir, it must exist and must be writeable for the JBoss user).
3.1. Downloading mod_cluster 1.0.1 Java Bundle:
In most cases this can be found on In case you isist in using the Redhat Enterprise Edition, the Java Bundle can be found in Let ${MOD_CLUSTER_SRC} be the toplevel directiry of the Java bundle.
3.2. Deploying mod_cluster.sar
Make sure the JBoss-AS instance isn't running. This isn't really necessary, but provides us with a more
clean situation at the end.
as1 # cd ${MOD_CLUSTER_SRC}
as1 # chown -R jboss:jboss mod-cluster.sar/
as1 # cp -r -p mod-cluster.sar ${INSTANCE}/deploy/
3.3. Configuring the server.xml:
Go to ${INSTANCE{/deploy/jbossweb.sar Open server.xml and add the following listeners (activate the one that applies:
<!-- <Listener className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.MicrocontainerIntegrationLifecycleListener" delegateBeanName="ModClusterService"/> --><!-- Non-clustered mode -->
delegateBeanName="HAModClusterService"/--><!-- Clustered mode -->
Open server.xml and add (change into) the following to the Engine tag:
<Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="${jboss.jvmRoute}">
Add the following Alias to the host-section in server.xml:
The url in the in <Alias> ... </Alias> is the URL on the webserver that serves the application and it the only element that isn't dynamic. You can give something like:
a try (don't forget to add the appropriate name to the startup line). Because mod_cluster 1.1.1 really don't need it, I haven't given this much thought.
3.4. Configuring jboss.beans:
Update the WebServer bean in ${INSTANCE}/deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-beans.xml such that it reads:
<!-- <depends>ModClusterService</depends> --><!-- Non-clustered mode -->
<depends>HAModClusterService</depends><!-- Clustered mode -->
3.5. Configuring mod_cluster.sar
Go to ${INSTANCE}/deploy/mod-cluster.sar/META-INF. Open the file mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml and add the following to the HAModClusterService (proxyList, domain and balancer):
<!-- Configure this node's communication with the load balancer -->
<bean name="HAModClusterConfig" class="org.jboss.modcluster.config.ha.HAModClusterConfig" mode="On Demand">
<!-- Comma separated list of address:port listing the httpd servers
where mod_cluster is running. -->
<property name="proxyList">${jboss.modcluster.proxyList:localhost:80}</property>
<property name="domain">${jboss.Domain:DefaultDomain}</property>
<!-- Configuration values for the load balancer itself (must be the
same on all nodes in the cluster). These will be passed to the
load balancer. -->
<property name="stickySession">true</property>
<property name="stickySessionForce">true</property>
<property name="stickySessionRemove">false</property>
<property name="maxAttempts">1</property>
<property name="workerTimeout">-1</property>
<property name="balancer">${jboss.modcluster.balancer}</property>
3.6. Starting JBoss-AS and monitoring for errors:
${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node1 -g cluster1 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-default
-Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node1/logs/ -Djboss.jvmRoute="node1" -Djboss.Domain=domain1
-Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList="" -Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster1"
o proxyList is the IP-address or the FQDN of the webserver.
o We come back to the port 7000
o bind.address is the IP-address or the FQDN of the application server.
You can exoect a stack trace because JBoss-AS will try to connect to the Webserver. Since we aren't there yet,
this is okay for now. If you getting these kind of connection errors when the Webserver is started, check if
there is a firewall in the way.
4.1. Downloading mod_cluster 1.1.1 Java Bundle:
In most cases this can be found on Let ${MOD_CLUSTER_SRC} be the toplevel directiry of the Java bundle.
4.2. Deploying mod_cluster.sar
Make sure the JBoss-AS instance isn't running. This isn't really necessary, but provides us with a more clean situation at the end.
as1 # cd ${MOD_CLUSTER_SRC}
as1 # chown -R jboss:jboss mod-cluster.sar/
as1 # cp -r -p mod-cluster.sar ${INSTANCE}/deploy/
4.3. Configuring the server.xml:
No additional configuration needed:
o The Listener is not needed anymore.
o The jvmRoute is generated by mod_cluster and not needed anymore.
o The Alias entry is not needed anymore.
4.4. Configuring jboss.beans:
The somewhat strange (almost circular) dependency in the Webserver Bean is not needed anymore. No need to update the jboss-beans.xml of the jbossweb.sar/.
4.5 Configuring mod_cluster.sar
Go to ${INSTANCE}/deploy/mod-cluster.sar/META-INF. Open the file mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml and add the following to the HAModClusterService (proxyList, domain and balancer):
<!-- Configure this node's communication with the load balancer -->
<bean name="HAModClusterConfig" class="org.jboss.modcluster.config.ha.HAModClusterConfig" mode="On Demand">
<!-- Comma separated list of address:port listing the httpd servers
where mod_cluster is running. -->
<property name="proxyList">${jboss.modcluster.proxyList:localhost:80}</property>
<property name="domain">${jboss.Domain:DefaultDomain}</property>
<!-- Configuration values for the load balancer itself (must be the
same on all nodes in the cluster). These will be passed to the
load balancer. -->
<property name="stickySession">true</property>
<property name="stickySessionForce">true</property>
<property name="stickySessionRemove">false</property>
<property name="maxAttempts">1</property>
<property name="workerTimeout">-1</property>
<property name="balancer">${jboss.modcluster.balancer}</property>
4.6. Starting JBoss-AS and monitoring for errors:
${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node1 -g cluster1 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-default
-Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node1/logs/ -Djboss.jvmRoute="node1" -Djboss.Domain=domain1
-Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList="" -Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster1" -Djboss.bind.address=""
o proxyList is the IP-address or the FQDN of the webserver.
o bind.address is the IP-address or the FQDN of the application server.
You can exoect a stack trace because JBoss-AS will try to connect to the Webserver. Since we aren't there yet,
this is okay for now. If you getting these kind of connection errors when the Webserver is started, check if
there is a firewall in the way.
4.7. JBoss 6 and the mod_cluster 1.1.0 bug
JBoss 6 is shipped with a mod_cluster 1.1.0 version, which has a little bug in that it renamed some of the properties in the mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml to mod_cluster instead of modcluster. So, in JBoss 6 you must use:
<property name="balancer">${jboss.modcluster.balancer}</property>
instead of mod_cluster. As of mod_cluster 1.1.1, both are possible. I have looked a little at JBoss 6 and (except from this little tweak) configuration goes the same as mentioned in chapter 4. Note that you edit the mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml here (there is also a mod_cluster-ha-jboss-beans.xml, but this reads in the rest of the configuration).
CHAPTER 5: Setting up the cluster
5.1. Setting up the nodes for our two clusters.
In this chapter we use the template created in Chapter 2 to make two cluster (cluster1 anf cluster2), each
consisting of two nodes:
On as1:
as1 # cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/server
as1 # cp -r -p node11 node21
So at the end we have:
as1 # ls -l ${JBOSS_HOME}/server
drwxr-xr-x 8 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 all
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 default
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 minimal
drwxr-xr-x 11 jboss jboss 4096 Feb 3 09:16 node11
drwxr-xr-x 12 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 31 10:40 node21
drwxr-xr-x 8 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 production
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 standard
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 web
i.e. node11 belongs to cluster1 and node21 belongs to cluster2. Copy the node11 directory to (say /tmp) of the second JBoss-AS as2. There:
as2 # cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/server
as2 # mv /tmp/node11 node12
as2 # cp -r -p node12 node22
So at the end we have:
as1 # ls -l ${JBOSS_HOME}/server
drwxr-xr-x 8 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 all
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 default
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 minimal
drwxr-xr-x 11 jboss jboss 4096 Feb 3 09:16 node12
drwxr-xr-x 12 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 31 10:40 node22
drwxr-xr-x 8 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 production
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 standard
drwxr-xr-x 6 jboss jboss 4096 Jan 20 14:43 web
Remark (if you like math or are a bookkeeper):
o The first index is the index of the cluster, i.e. cluster1 = {node11, node12 }.
o The second index is the index of the JBoss Application Server.
5.2. Starting the clusters
First make a few loggings locations (when you don't fill jboss.server.log.dir, the logs should be in the ${INSTANCE}/logs directory):
as1 # mkdir -p /apps/data/node11/logs/ /apps/data/node21/logs/
as1 # chown -R jboss:jboss /apps/data/node11/logs/ /apps/data/node21/logs/
as2 # mkdir -p /apps/data/node12/logs/ /apps/data/node22/logs/
as2 # chown -R jbossLjboss /apps/data/node12/logs/ /apps/data/node22/logs/
The cluster can be started by issueing the following start commands:
On as1:
as1 # su - jboss
as1 $ ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node11 -g cluster1 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1
-Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-default -Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node11/logs/
-Djboss.jvmRoute="node11" -Djboss.Domain=domain1 -Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList=""
-Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster1" -Djboss.bind.address=""
as1 $ ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node21 -g cluster2 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1
-Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 -Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node21/logs/
-Djboss.jvmRoute="node21" -Djboss.Domain=domain2 -Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList=""
-Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster2" -Djboss.bind.address=""
On as2:
as2 # su - jboss
as2 $ ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node12 -g cluster1 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1
-Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-default -Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node12/logs/
-Djboss.jvmRoute="node11" -Djboss.Domain=domain1 -Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList=""
-Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster1" -Djboss.bind.address=""
as2 $ ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c node22 -g cluster2 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1
-Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 -Djboss.server.log.dir=/apps/data/node22/logs/
-Djboss.jvmRoute="node21" -Djboss.Domain=domain2 -Djboss.mod_cluster.proxyList=""
-Djboss.modcluster.balancer="cluster2" -Djboss.bind.address=""
o This setup leaves us with four open terminal windows, which is not very practical. Convenient
ways to startup a cluster and many instances is another story.
o This setup starts two clusters which are divided over two physical application servers.
CHAPTER 6: deploying applications
6.1. A sample application:
You can just take any application which can be used for testing a cluster. Ours is the application clusterjsp.war, which comes from the ee-samples which can be found all over the web. For the onces that haven't this see the attached clusterjsp.war file. You can unwar this clusterjsp.war file:
as1 # ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar xvf clusterjsp.war
created: META-INF/
created: WEB-INF/
inflated: HaJsp.jsp
inflated: ClearSession.jsp
inflated: WEB-INF/sun-web.xml
inflated: WEB-INF/web.xml
We can create two separate applications out of this by editting HaJsp.jsp such that it say Application1 or Application2. When this is done, remove the clusterjsp.war file and create two war files:
as1 # ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar cvf application1.war *
added manifest
adding: ClearSession.jsp(in = 527) (out= 339)(deflated 35%)
adding: HaJsp.jsp(in = 2623) (out= 1004)(deflated 61%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
ignoring entry META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
adding: WEB-INF/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: WEB-INF/sun-web.xml(in = 1134) (out= 526)(deflated 53%)
adding: WEB-INF/web.xml(in = 716) (out= 314)(deflated 56%)
Do the same for application2, leading to application2.war.
6.2. Deploying application to the cluster
Because the hdscanner is running (look in the ${INSTANCE}/deploy directory for the xml file), deploying to the clusters is easy:
as1 # chown jboss:jboss application1.war application2.war
as1 # cp -p application1.war ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/node11/farm
as1 # cp -p application2.war ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/node21/farm
If all goes well, application1.war (for instance) should be copied to the farm/ directory of node12 on the second JBoss-AS as2. Same pattern for application2.
6.3. Testing of the application
You can always test if the applications are running by using the following commands:
Or use a browser to do just that. Note that you don't use clustering in this test, you just surf to the application at each JBoss-AS instance.
6.4. Making the document roots of the application
The following task lays ahead for this chapter: Configure virtual hosts for going to /application1 on JBoss-AS and going to /application2 on JBoss-AS, where the traffic to (for example) /application1 is send to the JBoss-AS cluster serving application1. First the documentroot:
ws # mkdir -p /apps/
ws # mkdir -p /apps/
ws # touch /apps/
ws # touch /apps/
ws # chown -R jboss:jboss /apps/
ws # chown -R jboss:jboss /apps/
CHAPTER 7: Apache mod_cluster 1.0.x
7.1. Downloading the binary mod_cluster release (Redhat):
Go to the redhat support site and download the httpd components for modcluster (these are contained in a zip file with roughly the following name: Then:
ws # unzip /tmp/
ws # cd /tmp/jboss-ep-5.1/native/lib64
ws # cp lib* /distr/jboss-ews/httpd/lib
ws # cp httpd/modules/* /distr/jboss-ews/httpd/modules
7.2. Making a cluster.conf file
Our httpd.conf reads in other conf files via an "Include conf.d/*.conf" statement in the http.conf file. It is hightly possible that you have an Apache which don't have a conf.d/ directory, but this shouldn't distract you of making one (or just put the statements directly into the httpd.conf. So add, when you don't have it yet, the following to the httpd.conf:
Include conf.d/*.conf
Then make the file ${APACHE_HOME}/conf.d/cluster.conf
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_module modules/
LoadModule manager_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/
LoadModule advertise_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
UseAlias 1
and put # before these statements when they were already present in the httpd.conf (when you don't do that,
you'll get warings and errors about doubly loaded modules.
The UseAlias 1 is using the <Alias> .. </Alias> tag in the server.xml of the JBoss-AS instance to route the
treffic back. All these awkward configurations aren't necessary anymore in mod_cluster 1.1.1.
7.3. Loading some virtual hosts:
We include for each virtual host an include statement for the virtual hosts configurations (which reseides in our system at ${APACHE_HOME}/conf/virtual_hosts/. There are loads of ways to this, each with it's own drawbacks.
The end of ${APACHE_HOME}/conf/httpd.conf looks like:
NameVirtualHost *:80
# Include various virtual host configurations
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/jboss.conf"
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/application1.conf"
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/application2.conf
7.4. jboss.conf, the first virtual host:
# This virtual host is hit by all the JBoss instances, the port is the same as the
# port in the proxyList
<Directory />
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from 192.168
KeepAliveTimeout 60
MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
ManagerBalancerName mycluster
AdvertiseFrequency 5
ServerAdvertise Off
Createbalancers 1
# The fisrt port 80 host
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /apps/
ErrorLog logs/nlptc27b09-error_log
CustomLog logs/nlptc27b09-access_log common
LogLevel debug
<Location /mod_cluster-manager>
SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
In mod_cluster 1.0.x, the traffic needs a specific port to get the traffix back from the JBoss-AS
cluster to the JBoss Webserver. This ties closely together with the proxyList and Alias entries on the
JBoss-AS instances,
7.5. The Virtual hosts for application1 and application2:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /apps/
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ combined
LogLevel debug
ProxyPass / balancer://cluster1/application1 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster1/application1
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /apps/
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ combined
LogLevel debug
ProxyPass / balancer://cluster2/application2 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster2/
CHAPTER 8: Apache mod_cluster 1.1.1
8.1. Downloading the binary mod_cluster 1.1.1 release:
Go to and download the appropraite tar archive. The package contains an httpd version. We can choose to use this one or copy the needed shared objects to the appropriate directory. We choose the latter. Then:
ws # unzip /tmp/mod_cluster-1.1.1.Final-linux2-x64-ssl.tar.gz
ws # cd /tmp/opt/jboss/httpd/
ws # cp lib* /distr/jboss-ews/httpd/lib
ws # cd httpd/modules
ws # cp -p /distr/jboss-ews/httpd/modules
ws # cp -p /distr/jboss-ews/httpd/modules
8.2. Making a cluster.conf file
Our httpd.conf reads in other conf files via an "Include conf.d/*.conf" statement in the http.conf file. It is hightly possible that you have an Apache which don't have a conf.d/ directory, but this shouldn't distract you of making one (or just put the statements directly into the httpd.conf. So add, when you don't have it yet, the following to the httpd.conf:
Include conf.d/*.conf
Then make the file ${APACHE_HOME}/conf.d/cluster.conf
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_module modules/
LoadModule manager_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/
LoadModule advertise_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
and put # before these statements when they were already present in the httpd.conf (when you don't do that, you'll get warings and errors about doubly loaded modules).
8.3. Loading some virtual hosts:
We include for each virtual host an include statement for the virtual hosts configurations (which reseides in our system at ${APACHE_HOME}/conf/virtual_hosts/. There are loads of ways to this, each with it's own drawbacks.
The end of ${APACHE_HOME}/conf/httpd.conf looks like:
NameVirtualHost *:80
# Include various virtual host configurations
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/jboss.conf"
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/application1.conf"
Include "conf/virtual_hosts/application2.conf
8.4. jboss.conf, the first virtual host
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Directory />
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location /mcm>
SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
Order deny,allow
Allow from 192.168
KeepAliveTimeout 60
MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
ManagerBalancerName testcluster
AdvertiseFrequency 5
o testcluster is a dummy name, I haven't test the architecture when it's not there, but I think you
don't have to put it in here.
o The mod cluster manager can be reaches under .
8.5. The Virtual hosts for application1 and application2:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /apps/
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ combined
LogLevel debug
ProxyPass / balancer://cluster1/application1 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster1/application1
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /apps/
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ combined
LogLevel debug
ProxyPass / balancer://cluster2/application2 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster2/
CHAPTER 9: Starting up and loggings
Notice we have LogLevel debug though the whole configuration. This enables us to see the MPING and MCPM commands which are used for communication thoughout mod_cluster.
9.1. Startup sequence:
When you are using JBoss 5 and mod_cluster 1.0.x, it might be needed to first start your webserver (such that the proxyList entry on the JBoss-instances can deliver it's first message) before statring the JBoss-AS instances. I have seen that, when the order is reversed, that the error in the JBoss-AS instance is not recovereable.
When you are using JBoss 5 and mod_cluster 1.1.1., or Jboss 6 (which has mod_cluster 1.1.0), the order to start. JBoss doesn't matter. Do expect to see a connection error when the JBoss-AS backend is started without a webserver.
9.2. After starting apache:
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:27 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(623): update_workers_node done
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:27 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(604): update_workers_node starting
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:27 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(623): update_workers_node done
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:27 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(604): update_workers_node starting
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:27 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(623): update_workers_node done
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:34 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(228): Created: worker for ajp://
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:34 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(340): proxy: initialized single connection worker 2 in child 17787 for (
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:34 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(381): Created: worker for ajp:// 2 (status): 1
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:34 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(604): update_workers_node starting
[Mon Jan 24 11:39:34 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(623): update_workers_node done
9.3. After going to an application:
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(1628): cluster: Found value pqMwwCnQX3wP0cRIpX0e1g__.node1 for stickysession JSESSIONID|jsessionid
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(1956): cluster: Using route node1
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_cluster.c(943): get_balancer_by_node found context /application1
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy.c(993): Running scheme balancer handler (attempt 0)
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(644): proxy: AJP: serving URL ajp://
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(609): ajp_unmarshal_response: ap_set_content_type done
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(599): ajp_unmarshal_response: Header[3] [Content-Length] = [1584]
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(687): ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_received 03
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(697): ajp_parse_type: got 03
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(687): ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_received 05
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] ajp_header.c(697): ajp_parse_type: got 05
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(562): proxy: got response from (null) (
[Mon Jan 24 11:42:26 2011] [debug] proxy_util.c(2017): proxy: AJP: has released connection for (
Of course you also see messages about, the second application server.
There are far more ways to configure mod_cluster than the way you see in this discussion. Anyway, I hope that this little experimentation serves its purpose. Like we said in the discussions, apart from a few minimal examples, there are not so many working examples yet in the mod_cluster documentation.
Message was edited by: Willem Noorduin
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