1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 8, 2011 12:21 PM by rouvas

    [5.0.0] errors in running startServer.sh



      On a Slackware.12.1.0 with bash.3.1.17, attempting to run distribution provided bin/startServer.sh, results in the following error:


      user@darkstar[96]:~/main/infinispan-5.0.0.FINAL/bin>j6 ./startServer.sh --help  

      ./functions.sh: line 47: syntax error in conditional expression: unexpected token `('

      ./functions.sh: line 47: syntax error near `/etc($'

      ./functions.sh: line 47: `      if [[ "$E" =~ /etc($|/) ]]; then'

      ./startServer.sh: line 5: add_classpath: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 6: add_classpath: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 7: add_classpath: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 8: add_classpath: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 9: add_classpath: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 11: add_jvm_args: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 12: add_jvm_args: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 17: add_program_args: command not found

      ./startServer.sh: line 19: start: command not found


      Any ideas on how to overcome this?


        • 1. Re: [5.0.0] errors in running startServer.sh

          Workaround, possibly incorrent.


          In file functions.sh, line 47 should be:


          if [[ "$E" =~ 'etc($|/)' ]]; then


          and line 53 should be:


          elif [[ -f "$E" && "$E" =~ '\.([Jj][Aa][Rr]|[Zz][Ii][Pp])$' ]]; then


          Note the single quotes arounf the regex pattern.


          Seems to be working, at least it does with the --help option :-)