0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2011 3:43 AM by true_mykola

    styles problem: headers and columns do not match


      Hi! I have some strange problem with styles: it looks like not all styles are loaded on first load after deploy and this leads to a problem when headers and columns so not match in width. I set LoadStyleStrategy to ALL but this doesn't help: styles are loaded but it seems like they aren't loaded completely. Or may be some scripts don't work. Anyway after i do full refresh for page (Ctrl + R or Ctrl + F5) everything works correctly: headers and columns match each other and this lasts till next deploy. What can i do with this? Can it be some incompatibility problem? We use openfaces in our application as well. May be it's because of them? On my screenshot you can see how it looks on first load after deploy (as i said after refresh it's everything allright). Btw we use extendedDataTable for tables.