0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2011 4:34 AM by satyakatti

    How to pass parameters to rich:modalPanel




      I am implementing a feature where user clicks on settings icon, selects a value from dropdown and clicks continue, then backing bean should process the selected value from dropdown and on what object this value was selected.


      So How would I pass these values to my bean.


      To elaborate the problem, attached is the image which shows setting icon in header of rich:panel, so there can be multiple such panels.

      When user clicks on settings icon, modalPanel displays the dropdown and continue button.


      How can I provide the selected dropdown value as well as the panel object (each panel contains a model object data) to my backing bean.


      Is there a way so that I pass param to modalPanel for temporary storage then when user clicks continue, I pass both temporary param and dropdown to bean as f:param or f:attribute?


