4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 28, 2009 8:55 PM by jimmy6

    rich:extendedDataTable no data come out.just empty rows

      The following code show nothing in the table even the table row is out there. all rows are empty.
      I am wondering "#{userRole.status}" whether correct or not.

      <rich:extendedDataTable var="userRole" value="#{userRoleListBean.userRoleDModel}"
       <h:outputText value="#{userRole.status}"/>
      userRoleListBean class
       private ExtendedDataModel2 userRoleDModel = new ExtendedDataModel2() ;
       public void walk(FacesContext facesContext, DataVisitor visitor, Range range,
       Object argument) throws IOException {
       visitor.process(facesContext, new Long(((UserRole)item).hashCode()), argument);
       public class RichFacesDataModel<T> extends ExtendedDataModel implements Modifiable {