4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 11, 2011 6:51 AM by sujangrg

    JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 6.1




      I have just installed ESB 4.10 on a clean JBoss AS 6.1 and the log shows both warnings and errors.

      The first and second could most likely be ignored, but what about the middle juddi ERROR?


      I have deployed a simple quick start and that is working...


      08:57:44,197 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.deployers.mc.as6.EsbConfigParser).

      08:57:44,198 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

      08:57:44,198 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.




      08:57:58,495 INFO  [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource : META-INF/esb-juddi-orm.xml

      08:57:58,513 ERROR [ErrorLogger] Error parsing XML (5) : cvc-complex-type.3.1: Value '1.0' of attribute 'version' of element 'entity-mappings' is not

      valid with respect to the corresponding attribute use. Attribute 'version' has a fixed value of '2.0'.




      A lot of these:


      08:58:11,127 INFO  [org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.deployers.mc.as6.EsbDeployment] Starting ESB Deployment 'jbpm.esb'

      08:58:11,130 WARN  [org.hibernate.util.DTDEntityResolver] recognized obsolete hibernate namespace http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/. Use namespace http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/ instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!





        • 1. Re: JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 6.1

          I went ahead and logged https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBESB-3670 on these warnings.      The entity mappings one sounds like it could probably be easily fixed by tweaking :





            xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm_1_0.xsd"



          in esb-juddi-orm.xml


          Just as a reminder though, ESB 4.10 wasn't tested on AS6.1 whatsoever since it was released after ESB 4.10 was.

          • 2. Re: JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 6.1

            I did exactly the same thing as Michael i.e. deploy JBossESB 4.10 to JBoss AS 6.1.0.


            On top of Michael's error, I can also see few more following ERRORs...


            ERROR [org.jboss.seam.jsf.SeamPhaseListener] swallowing exception: org.jboss.seam.ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException: Concurrent call to conversation


            SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context




            Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context




            WARNING [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.lifecycle] #{identity.login()}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context: javax.faces.FacesException: #{identity.login()}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context


            ERROR [org.jboss.seam.jsf.SeamPhaseListener] (http- swallowing exception: org.jboss.seam.ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException: Concurrent call to conversation




            SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] (http- java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context

            • 3. Re: JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 6.1

              I'm pretty sure these are either related to the admin-console or the jbpm-console - there are JIRAs logged on both.       If you're not using either, I wouldn't worry about them.

              • 4. Re: JBoss ESB 4.10 on JBoss AS 6.1

                I really need jbpm as I need to deploy some business processes. I'm not a developer but I am trying to deploy jbpm processes to JBOSS AS 6. Any chance I can get it running without any issues?