1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 15, 2011 3:52 AM by emuckenhuber

    Possible to use existing conf xml(domain.xml) files for custom project configuration





      I am working on a project (EAR packaged application) which uses some kind of hierarchical configuration. For now I use apache commons configuration. But I have encountered some troubles with simple usage over the cluster (I would like to achieve single point of configuration managment, persist configuration in a file on every node in a cluster, store history of changes,...).


      I got an idea why not use a single file which is provided already by as7(standalone.xml or domain.xml). I see a benefit as there is no need for 3rd party libs as it is already part of the  core, it is also cluster wide distributed and refreshed and everything is configured at a single place.



      I saw in the docs that I can create custom subsystem but I am not totaly sure if this was meant for such a scenario.



      I would be very glad if someone would clarify this for me.


      Thank you in advance,


        • 1. Re: Possible to use existing conf xml(domain.xml) files for custom project configuration

          Hmm, it would be a possibility i think. However you need to be aware that the distribution of the configuration model is not based on a deployment or cluster. The domain model is it's own logical configuration model, where multi-server environments are managed based on server-groups (which can be part of 0..n clusters). So if your configuration concept could follow (be limited to) this, then writing an extension/subsystem would be an interesting option. Additionally the configuration model for standalone is just managed locallly.