1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 15, 2011 8:05 AM by mcatalin23

    working with String longer than 32766 chararacters


      Trying to put in the CLOB column (database oracle 10g) a string longer than 32766 chars gives following error:


      java.sql.SQLException: setString can only process strings of less than 32766 chararacters


      I have found following configuration on Tomcat to accept longer strings

      <Resource name="jdbc/OracleDs"   




      <ResourceParams name="jdbc/OracleDs">























      Is any similar configuration on oracle-ds.xml file in Jboss AS 6?

      What should I add in this case into the datasource tag?











        • 1. Re: working with String longer than 32766 chararacters

          I have found this configuration for oracle-ds.xml and it's working. I can use strings longer than 32766 characters:





                <!-- Tells an Oracle 10g driver to properly implement clobs. -->

               <connection-property name="SetBigStringTryClob">true</connection-property>





          This is how you can add connection properties to yorur jboss datasource.

          The properties will get passed in the DriverManager.getConnection(props) call.