0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 19, 2011 5:13 AM by larsd

    (Re-)Selection of a choosen tab after render="@all"





      If got a tabPanel with some tabs. Due to updateing the content if have to do a render="@all" after completing an action in one of the tabs but I want to see this tab as the choosen one after the rendering process.


      My plan was to save the current tab when clicking on it in the backing bean and use this information to restore the view. The problem is that I found no way to do this. Its clear that the attribute activeItem of rich:tabPanel has to be setted in the rigth way, I tried to use the action of rich:tab, actionlistener and some JavaScript functions (e.g. onheaderclick). All "solutions" did not call the method of the backing bean when clicking a tab, so saving the current tab was impossible.


      On this page http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/tabPanel.jsf?tab=delete&cid=334376 you can see a solution where a tab is deleted and it seems that the information of the choosen tab is sended to the bean somehow. Also the bean code is not given :-(


      Any suggestions?

