8 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2011 8:27 AM by gargkshitiz

    Message Filtering using core APIs




      I want to create a filter expression to create a consumer who is interested in a string property 'filter'.


      Creating queue:


      hornetQManager.createQueue("topicName", "queueName");


      Creating consumer:


      ClientConsumer messageConsumer = hornetQManager.getClientSession().createConsumer(hornetQManager.getSimpleString("queueName"),hornetQManager.getSimpleString("filter LIKE 'message%'"));


      Publishing message:


      ClientMessage clientMessage = hornetQManager.createClientMessage(message);

      clientMessage.putStringProperty("filter", message.getKey());

      hornetQManager.sendMessageToAddress("topicName", clientMessage);



      Sent message->


      message1, message3


      But my MessageHandler is just getting message3.


      Am I doing something incorrect here? Is there any tutorial/example for it using core API?



      Kshitiz Garg

        • 1. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

          message3? I don't see that in your example?

          • 2. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

            How are you sending the message?



            Post a complete example please...



            When you write the post, switch to advanced editor -> you can then attach files.

            • 3. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

              Hi Clebert


              You can ignore my previous question as I have found & resolved the bug at my end. Sorry for the inconvinience.


              Now I have a design decision to make with core apis & topics.


              Do I create 1 queue and 1 consumer of a topic(=hornetq address), consume all the messages and then pass the relavant messages to all my 10 application listeners using a for loop in that consumer.  (In this case, all messages are coming to my consumer and then messages filtering & message passing is taking place, so unncessary processing is a concern)?




              Do I create 10 queues and 10 consumers of a topic(=hornetq address) using selectors, these 10 consumers will consume only their relavant messages and then call their one-2-one mapped application listeners.  (I assumed that while working with JMS topics and creating session.createConsumer(topicName) , hornetQ code internally creates a queue with the address (=toipcName) and a listener listening on that queue. So in this case, 10 consumers are getting created so object heap space is a concern)?



              any other option available?



              Kshitiz Garg

              • 4. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

                Using an address, and queues with filters is probably the best option.



                I don't fully understand your architecture, but filter on a queue is usually a good solution.

                • 5. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

                  Thanks Clebert

                  • 6. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

                    With core APIs, design Option1 (explained above) worked for us.


                    Creating a temporory queue for every subscription request failed in our load tests of 50k subscriptions & unsubscriptions per day and 10 messages per second. Lot of create queue send and block wait time out exceptions were seen in hornetq logs. There was also one class cast exception while casting 'nullresponse' to 'session+something' [will have to check the exact class name] at the time of creation of the temporary queue.


                    We took the temporary queue creation logic from hornetqsession class for JMS support.




                    • 7. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

                      I said: I didn't know your architecture.


                      If you are creating a queue every time like that, it's best if you just just keep the subscription open.


                      I"m not sure what you are doing. I would need to some code.

                      • 8. Re: Message Filtering using core APIs

                        Hi Clebert,


                        It's not possible for me to expose the prop. code. But I will try to explain that with my code snippets later.



                        Kshitiz Garg