1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 31, 2009 6:05 PM by alexsmirnov

    s:validateAll - rich:graphValidator and the placeholder


      Hello rich-faces guys, does the rich bean/graph validator support the placeholder {0}? From my testings i didn't get it to work, like the seam one should (well, i always used the rich component cause the seam one give me a lot of problems). It's on chapter 10 of the Seam reference:


      Is it a Seam feature, and to use it i would have to use the s:validate instead the rich:validateBean? I asked it on the Seam Forum, and the user Ingo showed me an JIRA issue about it, the post made me think that maybe the rich component do not support the place-holder at all. Am I right?


      Thks in advance,
