0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2011 6:59 AM by ballo

    Can't use rich:select inside OpenFaces o:treeTable


      Hi, I'm experiencing a problem using RichFaces rich:select inside a o:treeTable.


      I have a treeTable with multibleNodeSelection and a dynamicTreeStructure and are migrating from using JSF's h:selectOneMenu to RichFaces rich:select. We are doing this to get better performance and user experience.

      When I'm doing this I'm getting an error in FireBug when loading the request that says: xml-readerror, the tags did not match, expected </update>......


      A stripped down version of the code that will produce the error looks like this:

              <o:treeTable id="grupTreTabell" var="node">



                              nodeHasChildren="#{grupperNavigatorBean.nodeBarnEksisterer}" />


                      <o:multipleNodeSelection />



                              <rich:select value="Value"/>





      I'm using OpenFaces version 3.0 and RichFaces version 4.0.0


      Best regards

      Tor Ballo