1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 28, 2011 8:27 AM by guidolx

    JMSCorrelationID lost between Weblogic 10.3.3 and JBoss 6




      I have as JMS provider JBoss 6.0.0 (HornetQ 2.1.2), Weblogic 10.3 and a Weblogic messaging bridge to transfer messages between the servers.

      If I post a message on the Weblogic outbound queue the message gets transferred to the JBoss inbound queue but the JMSCorrelationID Header is lost in the process.

      I did try with  the properties -Dhq.jms.support-bytes-id=true -Dsupport.bytesId=true but there was no improvement.


      Any clue or help greatly appreciated,
